Friday, June 13, 2008

What You've Missed

Okay, so I lied. I didn't exactly keep this site up to date. I apologize. I haven't had much free time on my hands. But no that school is over, I have all the time to post. So basically on May 21st I think, I broke up with my boyfriend of 8 months. I thought that it would take me awhile to get over him but it actually just ended up being 3 days of crying over him, one day of being angry, and the next thing I knew, I was over him. So I basically went through the stages of a break up.

1. Sulk, Cry, Confide in everyone.

2. get mad and angry, get rid of all the stuff that reminds you of him.

3. Simmer down and think about how you're better off without him

4. Hang out and always be around your friends.

Simple easy steps. Michael wasn't a bad guy, he was okay. It's just he didn't have feelings anymore. I completely understand that love doesn't last. My parents aren't proving a good example of that either. They say they always hate each other and are only staying together for the kids. But whatever, I could care less about love right now.

On another note, I have a new "obsession" with the 1960's TV show & Band: The Monkees. I used to watch these guys ever since I was little. Of course I wasn't born around that era, but my parents used to play re-runs for me. I love the corny situations, the jokes, the "romance", and 3 attractive guys running around doing crazy antics. Yes there are 4: Peter Tork, Mike Nesmith, Mickey Dolenz, & Davy Jones. But again I said only 3 are attractive. Meaning Davy isn't one of them. I love their songs and the melodies of all of them. I have successfully learned how to play "I'm A Believer" on the guitar. If you haven't had a chance to watch the monkees, you should search it up on YouTube. I would've suggested that you check them out on Comcast OnDemand, but they recently took it out. Also from watching this series, I've fell in love with their style! I am making an effort to change my wardrobe into the 1960's.
I should probably stop babbling on. I'm getting tired. It's summer but I'm already bored.