Saturday, February 21, 2009

Pink Panther 2 Movie is Racist

So today I watched Pink Panther 2 and I thought it was pretty funny. Steve Martin is an awesome actor. Even though there was one part where it was HECKA racist, it was funny. In one scene Clouseau meets with this other japanese detective and goes "So what is the conclusion my little yellow friend?" Then he gets called into I guess this manner lady's office and says its not right to call asians "little yellow friends" and then Clouseau goes, "Well it's true, but what really hate is their driving, they can't see over the steering wheel." Overall it wa pretty witty, I advise everyone to watch it.

Aside from the movie I had to wake up early today like at 9 haha yea that's early for me during the break. Went to the greatmall to eat mcdonalds. I love their pancakes, it's legendary.Went into the theater and saw JASON SEGEL...well his poster anyways haha. I want them to make a HIMYM movie, that'd be legendary. Then walked around for a bit and watched Pink Panther. Afterwards just went back home to sleep. I finished my english homework finally. And now here I am, and this concludes my short blog

Have a legendary day,

Friday, February 20, 2009


Yea so I didn't get to blog yesterday because I was too tired and I had a headache when I came home. But Julie's house was pretty fun. Met her soon to be boyfriend Kevin and his friend Brandon. They're pretty cool people too. Made prank phone calls, talked, ate ice cream and played card games for truths. It got pretty intense between Julie and Kevin haha. Then I found out some stuff that really made me mad at a certain person, but most likely I'm not going to do anything to him for doing that. Just got to let it go, because it's in the past already, but surely ruined my reputation (if I even had one to begin with). I have the videos on my myspace, so you can go check it out. I dont know what the prank calls got deleted though. It was fun seeing Julie again and meeting her friends. It was also nice to find another HIMYM lover haha.

After my dad picked me up, we went to go eat at Hsing Hsing & Ling Ling's Restaurant (aka Panda Express) Love their food, it's awesome. When I was ordering I told the lady I wanted "gyoza" and she was all like "What? I don't know what you're talking about?" Then I kept repeating myself until my dad shouted across the restaurant, "WRONG LANGUAGE ALLISON!" and I looked at the menu and it said "pot stickers" so yea I felt stupid haha. Then afterwards we went to Seafood City to get some stuff. When we were walking out of the parking lot my dad tripped and he tried to play it off like there was something stuck on his shoe. I couldn't stop cracking up haha. Got some cereal, dibs, milk, the good stuff then headed back home. Uploaded the videos and fell asleep for a while, then woke up abruptly because just remembered ABDC was on, so I rushed downstairs in time. My prediction for the top two is obviously Beat freaks and Quest Crew. Ultimately Beatfreaks is going to take the whole thing. But hopefully the show doesn't do that stupid crap they always do and eliminate one of the temas just because they need to have one team from the west and one from the east or whatever. But Beatfreaks dance to "Hot n Cold" was legendary. Then I spent a couple of hours online and doing my english homework, then went to bed. But had a pretty cool dream.

The Dream:
So I was at school, but it was in China for some odd reason. My friends sherry, kristine, and I were at tutoring. There was some type of performance beng held after school at this chinese temple. At first it was a bunch of filipino people dancing and then The All-American Rejects played a concert. They hung out with me, sherry and kritine afterwards at denny's, and it turned into the music video for their song "Gives You Hell." It was pretty cool, but then I woke up.

This morning:
Again when I woke up this morning I found coinsin my bed. Yesterday when I took a nap, I found a dime in my hand and I didn't know where it came from. Well after waking up I went downstairs to eat Cap'n Crunch (awesome cereal) then watched some youtube. Went back upstairs to start on my english homework and written one page so far. By the looks of it I'm halfway done. Then I took another nap, and here I am ta daaa!

Well this concludes my blog and I hope everyone has a legendary day,

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

What the pho?

So I shall tell you how my boring day went.
Morning:Woke up really early due to my cramps. So sat on the toilet for the longest time. While on the toilet I brought my laptop with me and read my old xanga posts. I was so weird. Still am though. Mom and sibs went to go check where my sister's appointment was going to be at then came home. Took a nap then woke up again, stomach feeling better after taking Midol. Thank goodness for midol. It's my crack.
Lunch:Went to eat Pho at that one place near Goldilocks. I really didn't feel like eating noodles, so I ordered this boiled chicken. It was freaking nasty and tasted like rubber. Too many bones in the chicken it hurt my mouth. Drank a strawberry smoothie with pearls which was probably the best tasting thing I tasted at the restaurant.
Afternoon: took jack for a walk in our court. He enjoyed it, but wanted to go back into the house so soon. Went outside to draw on the driveway with chalk, then my dad came early to pick us up :/ Then we went to my grandmas house and I took a nap when I got here.
Night: Woke up to eat pizza, then watched an episode of HIMYM. Now here I am, bored yet again. I started a little bit on the biography for Rachel Carson, but I got a long way to go.

Gosh there's nothing to do at my grandma's house. Thank goodness I'm going to Julie's house tomrrow. Kind of nervous about meeting her friends though haha.

Well, have a legedary day!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Yea so I wasn't going to blog today, but what the heck, I have nothing better to do. So basically I went to Valley Fair today wth my mom and siblings. On the way there, we were trying to figure out if Lance Armstrong and the rest of the bikers had already passed through. Supposedly they came through our part of town around 11am so we missed it. Oh well. So I looked through the stores for prom dresses. I went to Jessica Mcclintock, and boy are their dresses expensive! So scrapped that store, and headed over to Betsey Johnson. AND WOW, a cardigan over there is $285. No wonder no one goes into that store. Went to macy's and found 3 prom dresses that fit me perfectly. I would show you a picture, but I'm an idiot because I left my memory stick at home, so my camera was useless. But I did take a picture with my phone, but again I'm too stupid to figure out how to upload it onto the computer. So I shall give you descriptions since the pictures of the dresses are not online.
The base color was black with purple flowers all over. It has thin straps, and is kinda like a babydoll dress. It flares out towards the bottom too, and the length is above my knees.

Top part was a zebra pring with pink sash going through the midsection. Bottom half was black and it flared outwards. It's a strapless dress, so the top part kept falling. But overall it was really cute. It slimmed down my lower half of my body.

The whole dress was a zebra print with a big pink bow in the midsection. It had thin straps, and was another baby doll dress.

I have to wait until I can go shopping with my grandma, because she's the lady with the money in her pocket haha. There was this annoying girl in the dressing room bugging her mom. So basically the conversation went like this.
Daughter: OMG this is the perfect dress! I LOVE IT
Mom: You look like a giant cotton candy
Daughter: NO I DONT MOM! I want to get this! I look good in it! Please mom!
Mom: I think we should keep looking around still
Daughter: NO! Whatever else yo buy, I'm returning it! I need this dress mom! YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!!!
Yea so that's basically how it went, just visualize is except with the most whiniest voice you've ever heard of.

Then after the mall, we went to target to buy my pads. Then went home. but this is what I did when I got home:

Yea that's how I'm doing my prom makeup It took me a while to scrub off the eyeliner.
So I think I'll end my blog here.
Have a legendary day!

It's been a while hasn't it?

So as you can probably tell, I haven't been much of a true blogger lately. The reason is, is that I have had zero free time. I absolutely despise school, it's getting too stressful. But January has been so far the most stress filled month. So basically, my January consisted of:
+Week in LA
-TONS of English homework over the break
-SAT's (my score was 1530 and the worst experience, so I'm forced to take it yet again)

I'm just glad that the stress has lessened. But there's still a good amount of stress in my life, believe me. But now I have all the time in the world to blog since it's break. I still have english homework, but I'll officially start it on wednesday since I'll be at my grandma's house till sunday. Yea, my parents are starting the custody thing. It kinda sucks moving from place to place a lot. But I guess I have to get used to it, but I'll be out of here in 2 years I think. So expect a blog entry hopefully everyday, starting this week, since I have nothing better to do, because I'm sick again...I was fully cured last week, but I don't know how I could've gotten sick twice. It's baffling.

So other than school, I've been making YouTube Videos you can view them on my YT site, AllisonMarieChan add me as a friend and be sure to subscribe. After discovering youtube in middle school, it's changed my whole perspective of what I want to become when I grow up. Lately I've been fascinated with media. I want to direct, but there's one HUGE problem. My parents and grandma's think I should just stick with becoming a nurse (which I don't want to be). It really bums me out, knowing that my future job is going to be something I'll hate to come to every single day. I really don't want to see people die, be sick, blood, or any body part for that matter. It's just not something I want to do. I'd rather go to school and have a job I'd love to do for yeas just because I love doing, not because I HAVE to. But ultimately the problem of how you're going to make money comes up. I get where my grandmas and parents are coming from, they want me to make a lot of money. But what if I can be a nurse/director? haha.

So anyways, I think I'm going to go to bed now since it's one in the morning. I've been looking back on my xanga blogs, and it's so cool to see how much I've changed since the 6th grade. I'm sure I'll be looking back on this blogsite (if I still remember it) when I'm in college. So hello future Allison who hopefully got into UCDavis or UCLA. If you haven't you're a big disgrace to past allison. haha Just kidding.

Oh one last advertisement to my nonexistent readers :P
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Contact me:
SN:Spadandex Alli
E-Mail: AllisonMarieChan

Have a legendary day,