Friday, February 20, 2009


Yea so I didn't get to blog yesterday because I was too tired and I had a headache when I came home. But Julie's house was pretty fun. Met her soon to be boyfriend Kevin and his friend Brandon. They're pretty cool people too. Made prank phone calls, talked, ate ice cream and played card games for truths. It got pretty intense between Julie and Kevin haha. Then I found out some stuff that really made me mad at a certain person, but most likely I'm not going to do anything to him for doing that. Just got to let it go, because it's in the past already, but surely ruined my reputation (if I even had one to begin with). I have the videos on my myspace, so you can go check it out. I dont know what the prank calls got deleted though. It was fun seeing Julie again and meeting her friends. It was also nice to find another HIMYM lover haha.

After my dad picked me up, we went to go eat at Hsing Hsing & Ling Ling's Restaurant (aka Panda Express) Love their food, it's awesome. When I was ordering I told the lady I wanted "gyoza" and she was all like "What? I don't know what you're talking about?" Then I kept repeating myself until my dad shouted across the restaurant, "WRONG LANGUAGE ALLISON!" and I looked at the menu and it said "pot stickers" so yea I felt stupid haha. Then afterwards we went to Seafood City to get some stuff. When we were walking out of the parking lot my dad tripped and he tried to play it off like there was something stuck on his shoe. I couldn't stop cracking up haha. Got some cereal, dibs, milk, the good stuff then headed back home. Uploaded the videos and fell asleep for a while, then woke up abruptly because just remembered ABDC was on, so I rushed downstairs in time. My prediction for the top two is obviously Beat freaks and Quest Crew. Ultimately Beatfreaks is going to take the whole thing. But hopefully the show doesn't do that stupid crap they always do and eliminate one of the temas just because they need to have one team from the west and one from the east or whatever. But Beatfreaks dance to "Hot n Cold" was legendary. Then I spent a couple of hours online and doing my english homework, then went to bed. But had a pretty cool dream.

The Dream:
So I was at school, but it was in China for some odd reason. My friends sherry, kristine, and I were at tutoring. There was some type of performance beng held after school at this chinese temple. At first it was a bunch of filipino people dancing and then The All-American Rejects played a concert. They hung out with me, sherry and kritine afterwards at denny's, and it turned into the music video for their song "Gives You Hell." It was pretty cool, but then I woke up.

This morning:
Again when I woke up this morning I found coinsin my bed. Yesterday when I took a nap, I found a dime in my hand and I didn't know where it came from. Well after waking up I went downstairs to eat Cap'n Crunch (awesome cereal) then watched some youtube. Went back upstairs to start on my english homework and written one page so far. By the looks of it I'm halfway done. Then I took another nap, and here I am ta daaa!

Well this concludes my blog and I hope everyone has a legendary day,