Wednesday, February 18, 2009

What the pho?

So I shall tell you how my boring day went.
Morning:Woke up really early due to my cramps. So sat on the toilet for the longest time. While on the toilet I brought my laptop with me and read my old xanga posts. I was so weird. Still am though. Mom and sibs went to go check where my sister's appointment was going to be at then came home. Took a nap then woke up again, stomach feeling better after taking Midol. Thank goodness for midol. It's my crack.
Lunch:Went to eat Pho at that one place near Goldilocks. I really didn't feel like eating noodles, so I ordered this boiled chicken. It was freaking nasty and tasted like rubber. Too many bones in the chicken it hurt my mouth. Drank a strawberry smoothie with pearls which was probably the best tasting thing I tasted at the restaurant.
Afternoon: took jack for a walk in our court. He enjoyed it, but wanted to go back into the house so soon. Went outside to draw on the driveway with chalk, then my dad came early to pick us up :/ Then we went to my grandmas house and I took a nap when I got here.
Night: Woke up to eat pizza, then watched an episode of HIMYM. Now here I am, bored yet again. I started a little bit on the biography for Rachel Carson, but I got a long way to go.

Gosh there's nothing to do at my grandma's house. Thank goodness I'm going to Julie's house tomrrow. Kind of nervous about meeting her friends though haha.

Well, have a legedary day!


Anonymous said...

No need to be nervous :D We're going to have so much fun laughing our asses off!