Saturday, September 12, 2009


Morning: I woke up around 730 am, at some breakfast and told my mom about my dream that I had, about my sister murdering my dog Jack. After, I washed dishes. I was singing while washing, and I was looking at my window. My gaze scanned over to my "Wonderland" area, and my eyes were met with BIG cat eyes starring back at me. It hecka scared me! The cat looked exactly like the cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland except it was gray. After that incident, I got ready to go to the Asian Museum/SF. But before we left I took my bike for a spin and put Jack in my basket. He kept shivering like he was scared. I wouldn't blame him, I wobble when I need to balance on my bike. But I do secure him in by looping his leash numerous times around the basket so it creates some kind of seatbelt. Then after biking for a while, we left to go to the bart station.

Bart: So...I'm not too fond of the bart after hearing crazy things that already happened on it. But we had to go to get to SF. Met my uncle and aunt there, and we boarded. I mean the bart is fun to ride on, but I get scared if a crazy person boards it too. While going through the tunnel I kept reminding my aunt about The Grudge scene where the lady looks out the window of a bus and the Grudge's face appears.

Starbucks: So first stop in SF was Starbucks. I got a kids hot chocolate (which by the ways was not hot) and some coffee cake. My sister got some coffee, which is weird because she's only 12, and she's already a regular coffee drinker. After Starbucks we walked to the museum. Along the way we found the Orpheum theater and BIG posters of my sister's favorite musical she hasn't seen before, "Wicked" so that part really cheered her up.

Asian Museum: The asian museum was BORING! All they had were sculptures and articles of clothing. Nothing really interesting to look at. The only thing interesting to look at were all the hot white guys. All the hot white guys are in SF, why can't they all be in San Jose?!

Lunch: After the museum we wanted some chinese food, so we walked down the street until we found chinese writing, and tadaaa, a chinese restaurant. Ate there and finished everything because we were so darned hungry. I got my fortune from my fortune cookie and it said "Travelling to the south will bring you unexpected happiness" which I interpreted as "DISNEYLAND!" Because Disneyland is in southern california :).

Mall: So after lunch we all walked towards Westfield mall, the mall with all the escalators in a circle leading to the top. I really had the urge to go to the bathroom so I just told my family that I'd meet them at the top, since the signs on the mall said they only had bathrooms on the first floor. So after I went to the bathroom, I passed by some shiney doors and headed up the escalators. It took me freaking 15 minutes just to get up to the 6th floor since there were a lot of people who just stood on the escalator enjoying their ride up. Once I finally got up, my family said they were going to go downstairs, and there was a bathroom on the 6th floor the whole time. Not wanting to go on those darned escalators again, I looked for the elevators. Being in Nordstrom I knew they would have elevators. I spotted it and we went in it. Once the elevator opened, I saw where I had just went to the bathroom, and saw that the shiney doors were actually the elevators, which I could've taken the whole time. My uncle laughed hysterically at me. I'm so stupid -__-

Heading Home: So I was basically pooped, and we went back to the Bart station to wait for the Bart. While waiting I felt tempted to jump down on the tracks then get back up before the bart came, but I knew that'd be a stupid thing to do. So when the Bart did come, I sat in a chair and I dozed off, but I kept waking up to make sure no one was watching me sleep, because I hate it when people do that. If I know people are watching me sleep I can't sleep. So I was getting crankier and crankier, due to my lack of sleep the night before. Finally getting off of the Bart my mom suggested "Okay lets all go ride the bart back to SF!" I got really grumpy when she said that, so I just started walking down the steps to the parking lot without a word. Thankfully she just brought us home. I wouldve seriously just fallen asleep on the Bart and they wouldve left me there.

So in conclusion, I need to make note of where elevators are in any place & I hate taking the Bart.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

I Blog For You Julie.

Herrro. So I'm blogging because Julie wants me to blog more often. Not making any promises but I will try to do it daily.

Nothing really interesting has happend to me personally yet. But Friday I had loads of fun :) Before Friday I thought going to Football games were lame, because I've only been to one with my ex sophomore year and it was really boring. But being with my friends made the football game even awesomer :) I think the next game we all will be going to would be Homecoming.

School's been pretty chill, days go by fast. Kinda awkward running into my ex and his new girlfriend, but hey it doesn't really get to me as much as I thought it would. My classes are pretty good so far, not as boring as last years. Started talking to the people I didn't really talk to in the beginning of High School and wished she did talk to them in the beginning :) I really do hope my senior year is awesome. Last year was hell for me, I hated it haha. I seriously don't feel like a senior. I feel like I still haven't grown up since freshman year. Maybe I'll still feel like a young teen when I'm freaking 60! haha. I'd be like "I don't feel like I'm 60, I still feel like a freshman in high school!"

On guys, I completely give up. I really don't have a chance with anyone haha. I'll just have to wait until college I suppose. I mean I think it's better that I'm not guy crazy this year, so I'll have more time to focus on school, my own enjoyment, and my friends :)

On family, things aren't going real well. My parents barely talk to each other and my dad thinks my mom is brain washing my brother to be against my dad. Which kind of in a way, she is doing that. I just hate it when my parent talk smack about each other and tell it to us kids. I hate it when they do that to my brother especially because he believes everyone and everything they say. They're taking advantages of him. I try to tell him and set him right but he just repeats whatever my parents tell him back to me, and tells my parents what I said, resulting in one of my parents being mad at me. They seriously need to cut this crap out. I'm scared for my siblings when I go to college. I really don't know how greatly this will affect them. It may tear them apart. So basically living arrangements from now on are one week at my moms then one week at my grandma's/dad's. I think it's easier that way so I don't have to keep lugging my crap back and forth between two houses.

I can't actually wait to start going to events for key club! Gives me an excuse everytime for me to go out with my friends to have some sweeet sweeet hanging. I especially can't wait for FRN!!! Cheap tickets to Great America, with friends, free soda, and the rides! The only thing I'm not looking forward to are SAT subject tests, finals, tests in general, college applications...oh my...

So I don't have anything else to talk about so I'm gonna end it here.

Latres on the mange!