Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Horrible Morning

So, basically today, I have had the worst morning ever. I woke up around 5am, went to the bathroom and remembered to check my SAT scores. So I did, and when I opened it, I was extremely disappointed, its like the level of happiness in my body went to like -1239273. I can't believe I scored LOWER than my previous SAT :/ So I guess I'll just have to take it again in freaking october D:

It's as if everything is being blown in everyone's faces. Well, I mean college stuff. This is the point where in a couple of months, we need to start applying. It's times like these where I wish we could stop time for a while to catch up.

So for guy updates, I'm really confused. I keep switching from guy to guy. One day I'll like guy A, then switch over to guy B. Because I'm "hot and I'm cold, it's yes then it's know, guy a's in then he's out, guy b's up and he's down" aha.

Poop, I really want time to slow down for a second. I still need to raise my grade immensely.

So that's basically all I wanted to blog about, not much, but it is something.