Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Tables Have Turned

So lately, my dad has been acting more like a love sick teenager than an adult lately, and that's a very bad thing. It's especially stressing me out. Here's the deal, my dad has a girlfriend, because he cheated on my mom, but my parents technically aren't divorced yet. So my dad keeps asking me if I care about his happiness, to which I reply yes. Then he tells me he wants to marry her. I tell him it's a big mistake, and he doesn't want to listen to me. Before when I was with my ex, my dad said love doesn't exist, and it never lasts. In a way my dad was right after everything was over between me and my ex. But today he's contradicting himself. He keeps telling me that he loves her. It's making me sick. My dad is going to make the biggest mistake of his life if he decides to marry this dumb lady. Okay I know you might think I'm too harsh in calling that lady dumb when I don't even know her, but here are my reasons:
1. She flirted and got with a man who she already knows has kids, and a wife
2. She has her own damn kids and husband
3. She ruined my life, my mom's and my siblings.
That should be enough reason to call her dumb.

So today my dad had the nerve to call that dumb know, I'm not going to call her a "lady" she doesn't deserve that title, from now on I shall refer to her as a "whore" that suits her character. Continuing...he called the whore while I was in the room. And my dad acting so clingy, he was getting mad about why she isn't at home and why she's out with I'm guessing her husband. I was extremely disgusted with this. My dad needs to snap out of this love trap. Honestly, love makes everyone stupid and ignorant. So while my dad was talking to the whore, he asked me to massage his feet. My reply in an irritated and angry voice: "No not while you're talking to...HER." Then he kicked me and gave me a mean look. So I just stomped out of there, and I could still hear him arguing with the whore. I mean my dad needs to look at this:
1. He wants to marry her, yet he yells at her, just like he did to my mom.
2. He thinks he's in love, but he's just becoming clingy
3. The only reason he wants to marry her is because he said "I won't find anyone else, I need to be with someone"

Ugh. When I try to tell him my opnion on this, he just gets mad and stops talking to me. One day at the mall I really got fed up with him asking about if he should marry the whore. I got really mad so I just said "I don't know, quit asking me, it's your life." Because he keeps asking me if I want him to be happy.
Another issue I realized is that this whole divorce thing is kind of contributing to my low grades. I always thought it would never be based on this, but most of the time during class, I'm usually thinking of how my life would be during the divorce, thinking of why my parents are doing this. It's an emotional distraction.
So I'm ending this here. What I learned from my dad is:
1. Love turns you into an idiot
2. No one likes hearing the truth
3. This divorce is a major distraction for me

Thank goodness for blogs. I just let a whole lot of steam out.