Thursday, December 11, 2008

Holiday's are a comin

I love the month of december. Especially this years december. I have so much to do. Well some fun and not fun.

The Fun Stuff
-Buche De Noelle
-Going out with the girls to Santana Row
-My moms birthday hang out day
-Christmas Caroling
-Walking with the dinosaurs show

The Bad stuff:
-Lots of test on the last week before break
-Studying for finals and SAT's
-Freaking AP english homework

I'm gonna try to do all the bad stuff next week so I don't have to worry about it The following break week.

So life's been pretty okay. My parents are still splitting up, but they're okay with each other I guess. I don't mind any of that stuff anymore, it's a thing of the past. New year=New beginnings. So the new stuff that might change:

Home Life:
Parent's Split
Moving out of the house
Maybe moving in with my mom wherever she chooses to live
Not so much on spending.

School Life:
Actually study
Actually paying attention in class
Make an effort to at least get to a gpa of 3.5-4.0

Love Life:
I want a boyfriend! Haha.