Saturday, November 8, 2008

Questioning My Beliefs

Something that's been really ticking me off is my dad's all of a sudden holy act. He's telling us we need to go to church, this and that. He's being the worst hypocrite. Way before this year, he wouldn't even go near a church and would never do what he's doing now. I refuse to go to church. Don't get me wrong, I do love God and believe in him. I just find it ridiculous to do unneccassary things. Like confession, why tell it to a secondary person, when you can go straight to the source by praying. Why is it a sin to not go to church every single sunday? I really don't see the point in going to church everyday, when everytime you go, the same stuff is being said, and you already know what's going to be said. I pray every single day, but don't go to church. Does that make me a great sinner? Well according to my dad today, I'm an evil person for not attending church. Why am I evil, when he was the one who ultimately sinned in cheating on my mom! My dad just makes me so mad nowadays, I lost complete respect for him. He comes up with the stupidest stuff. I blame him for everything that has happened lately. I can honestly say, I hate him. He will never regain my respect. Lets hope, next year will be a better one :/