Sunday, August 10, 2008

Depression. Back so soon?

Lately I've been feeling really down. My dad's making it even worse. He keeps asking me "So when your mom and I split who are you going to live with, me or her?" He keeps saying they're going to get a divorce, and my mom's just like "Mhm sure whatever." My dad keeps ranting about how we're going to be seperated. Every single day he brings it up. It's tearing me to bits and pieces. The sad part is, I feel like I can't confide in anyone. Before I used to confide in this one guy about everything, but he's long gone out of my life. I don't know what to do, I hate feeling depressed. It hurts. They've always been joking about getting a divorce, but I'm not sure if they might for real now. I know I have friends and family out there who care about me, but lately I've felt so lonely. I'm really believing that ever lasting love doesn't exist. My own experience, and now seeing my parents drifting away. It just sucks you know? My parents keep telling me stuff about the other, and I hate being stuck in the middle. I just want things to go back when I was 4. So simple, so happy...I would give anything to go back to that time. I hope this whole divorce thing blows over and they'll just forget about it.