Saturday, November 7, 2009

Let's go to the mall TODAY

Hmm so today was a pretty chill Saturday. It was very unusual to wake up to sunshine at 9 in the morning. Yea, I actually woke up that early on a Saturday. Went to Jollibee with my sister and Dad. Went to Forever21 & found some awesome mirrored aviator glassed for only 5.80 compared to the crappy ones that broke from Target that were like 10 bucks. Then bought myself a beige scarf to go with my leather jackets. Walked around the mall a bit, and bumped into Kristine & Sherry. Walked around with them for a bit to look for Sherry's NHS Induction outfit. Left when my dad told me it was time to go.

After the mall, we went to Fry's electronics where I played drums on Guitar Hero. I swear, I could learn how to play so many songs on the real drums just by watching it. I could move a tv to where my drums are, have the game just play, while I follow along on the real drums haha. So after a while of free gamage, we went to Walmart to get my feminine needs :P Bought some pads, foundation and lipstick. Went to eat at McDonalds for lunch, and got a My Little Pony toy :P But it was defective because it looked like it had a drawn crooked eyebrow on it. Must be a chola pony I suppose. Went to dollar tree after, got loads of awesome candy :)

Now that brings me back home. I finished my homework right away like the good girl I am :) Took a 2 hour nap, ate dinner and POOF I'm here blogging because I'm so bored. I know I should be working on my personal statement, but thats what tomorrow's for! My cousin's going to help me put the finishing touches. My only hope is, is that she doesn't make me write another draft haha.

I should probably find something else to do, so latres on the manges!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Oh so long ago...

Wow, so I keep lying to myself about blogging more often. I guess because nothing really happens to me that's really interessting. Same old same old let me briefly recap on the things that happened so far.

Halloween was pretty good, not as great as last year. It really didn't feel like it was actually Halloween, and the day went by too quickly :( I had fun hanging out with DRAAKS though. I as Peter Pan, which people mistakenly thought I was Robin Hood at school -__-. I give myself props though, it didn't COMPLETELY fall apart haha.

This class is actually pretty fun now. It's basically like editing your myspace all day. My eyes really start to hurt after starring at the screen for a long time though. I'm really proud of my first web page layout we had to do in that class :) We're working on our personal web pages right now so I can't wait to be done with that too.

Oh my goodness. It was fun skipping class and hanging out with friends while waiting but, it took to damn long. We're all standing in the sun, its hot, and some people weren't cooperating. You could see how pissed off the photographer was at the goofballs in the back. People got kicked out one by one, it was like a game. I really liked our tee shirts though, all props go to Drea :) I really want her to upload those group photos of us, they're cuttteee!

Sheesh, still working on it. I wrote how many drafts, about 3 for my personal statement because my aunt told me too. In a way I'm glad she had me write 3 different ones, because I think I finally got it down, but still working on it. I'm asking my cousin, who's an English major on some tips this sunday, so hopefully that'll be the last bit of advice then I'll be ready to turn that sucker in. For the most part I'm done iwth the App, I just need to pay and put in the personal statement. I really do hope I get in to at least ONE UC. I'd be really devasted to be rejected by all of em :(

My family situation has been okay so far, no really big fights or anything like that between my parents, although they don't talk to each other. I think it's better that way. I'd rather have them not talk to each other at all than constantly fighting with each other. As for my uncle, he's in pretty bad shape :( I really want to be optimistic for him, but knowing he has only 6 months to a year to live, it's really hard. I'm going to make sure to spend a lot of time with him while I still can. I'm glad that my cousin from San Diego is coming here for thanksgiving. It'll surely make my uncle happy to see the whole family like the olden days when everything was right :/ It's sad how easily my family is falling apart.

BOYS? I'm pretty much confused on guys. I kinda like someone, but then after finding something out...I'm not too sure anymore. Then theres this other dude that no way in heck it's going to happen but...argh. I think I should just give up on guys for a while, focus more on school, family and friends....psh..hah, if only. I really wish there would be a bus load of hot white foreign students from europe or australia that transfer over to PHHS. That'd be a dream come true...

I think that's enough blogging right now. I just blogged cus I had nothing better to do, well I do have homework, but one likes to do homework when theyre bored :P Toodle loo!