Saturday, November 7, 2009

Let's go to the mall TODAY

Hmm so today was a pretty chill Saturday. It was very unusual to wake up to sunshine at 9 in the morning. Yea, I actually woke up that early on a Saturday. Went to Jollibee with my sister and Dad. Went to Forever21 & found some awesome mirrored aviator glassed for only 5.80 compared to the crappy ones that broke from Target that were like 10 bucks. Then bought myself a beige scarf to go with my leather jackets. Walked around the mall a bit, and bumped into Kristine & Sherry. Walked around with them for a bit to look for Sherry's NHS Induction outfit. Left when my dad told me it was time to go.

After the mall, we went to Fry's electronics where I played drums on Guitar Hero. I swear, I could learn how to play so many songs on the real drums just by watching it. I could move a tv to where my drums are, have the game just play, while I follow along on the real drums haha. So after a while of free gamage, we went to Walmart to get my feminine needs :P Bought some pads, foundation and lipstick. Went to eat at McDonalds for lunch, and got a My Little Pony toy :P But it was defective because it looked like it had a drawn crooked eyebrow on it. Must be a chola pony I suppose. Went to dollar tree after, got loads of awesome candy :)

Now that brings me back home. I finished my homework right away like the good girl I am :) Took a 2 hour nap, ate dinner and POOF I'm here blogging because I'm so bored. I know I should be working on my personal statement, but thats what tomorrow's for! My cousin's going to help me put the finishing touches. My only hope is, is that she doesn't make me write another draft haha.

I should probably find something else to do, so latres on the manges!


Anonymous said...

Haha IHS's Induction Ceremony is on the 9th! I get to kinda freak out all the inductees, and like, light their candle. Freaky stuff, but fun for me, cause I feel all boss as a member of that cult O_O haha.

I'm glad you're blogging (: I love reading about you guys. Oh btw, tell Kristine to check her mail, I sent you guys something today!