Monday, November 9, 2009

Case of the Monday's

Rawr it's monday. Monday's kinda suck. But having no homework on a Monday is very rare, so I welcome this Monday :) I'm pretty excited for the end of tomorrow, it'll be like a Friday. Plus Sherry's getting inducted to NHS, plus her performance. So proud of her. Plus it's fun to have all of us semi dress up for her special day haha. Then Wednesday will be another fun day, if teachers are nice enough not to give homework. Going to VF and Santana with the girls, I just hope I have money haha. So I just thought I'd blog, because I'm bored. Gossip Girl sucks now. I used to be obsessed with it when it first started out, but now it's like..ehh. HIMYM beats all shows :D I swear they should make it an HOUR! I can't wait for GLEEEEE! It's an episode all about Artie. Man when we go to VF they should have a Glee shirt. I need to get one! Well my eyes are hurting, I should end this here. ...