Thursday, November 12, 2009


Yea, so today was a pretty interesting day at school. I think my day started out pretty good, I saw my grade in math and saw that it went up, so kudos to me. Mr. Martin complimented me on my "new look" and said he liked it, which is odd because I usually dress the same, it was probably because my hair was up in a bun. Eh.

After 4th was really interessting. At first, when people were talking about the assembly all I knew was, it was people talking about tobacco and telling people who skate not to smoke. I thought it was going to be pretty lame, but shooot I was wrong. It was pretty cool. I walked outside to the blacktop and there I see tents of Xbox360, with tv's and some of their games to play. I look farther and there was a skateboard ramp. So I rushed over there with Anny to the front of the barracade because you know...want to make sure the hot white guys performing can see me XD Sherry, Diana, and Kristine found me so we all watched. Man oh man were the performers cute..and white XD well except for the black dude, but I do have to admit, he was pretty cute for a black guy :P Gabe Weed (ProBMX rider) did awesome "Flatland" tricks on his bike, it was pretty cool. I cheered for everyone of the guys when they did something cool, but sadly everyone around me was just staring with not a lot of enthusiasm. Austin Coleman (proBMX) Did awesome arial stunts and was really a crowd pleaser as well as Koji Kraft (proBMX). Marc Englrhart was pretty amazing too on skates. It was like he just went with the flow and didn't really need to work to do stunts, it was just awesome. Lastly, there was Elliot Sloan..Oh Elliot, the cutest of the bunch, but wiped out a lot, due to blowing out his knee at Oak Grove 2 days ago. He landed one, but it was nice to see his effort, I still clapped and cheered for him, although he looked pretty bummed.

After they were done, they did trivia, and thats when Sherry pulled me away from my white guys :( But in a way I'm glad she did, because all the performers were sitting under the Xbox tent signing autographs. So I dragged sherry over there and went to the table. It was kind of awkward because I didn't know what to say. So I just went up, and starred at them while they signed stuff, and when the Austin (black guy) looked up, I just said "You guys were awesome" and then a thumbs up. Although I dont think he could hear me because the music was blasting. Then when Elliot and Marc looked up (hot white guys) and smiled at me, my heart melted ahh. Then Austin said something but I couldn't hear, but I think he said "I like your shirt/jacket" one of those. Gah if I actually met a real celebrity I'd be even more frazzled and tongue tied. But ANYWAYS, got their autographs, no pictures though because I didn't bring a camera. Some pictures of today and a blog, can be found at So looking at that site I found myself in one of them. Although I'm tiny in there, it's pretty cool :P I circled myself too :)

So we had to leave my white boys behind while we went to the CBC meeting. But Diana&I went back to the blacktop to see they were cleaning up but the guys were still there. Luckily I caught a glimps of Elliot taking off his shirt :D nice body ;)

Well I should end it here. I need to sleep and dream that I have a white boyfriend. Sigh. LATER