Saturday, November 21, 2009

Westland=Hot White Guys

(Left to Right: Aaron, Ryan, Jeff, Carlo, and Jon)
Yes, it's true. Hot white guys have been broughten to our school once again on friday, November 20, HALLELUJAH! This time in a form of a rock/pop band, called WESTLAND. So here's how it all went down...
After sticking my arm in freeeezing cold ice water in Physio, I waited for Peter and Kevin to walk with me to the Crumb By Crumb meeting. On the way there, I heard LOUD music, I thought someone was playing instruments in a classroom so I ignored it. After the meeting, I heard the music again. So I asked Kristine and Diana where it was coming from, and they said that they announced earlier on the annoucements that a band was going to play in the freshman area. So I suggested we check it out. As we walked closer, the music started getting louder, and I heard a voice that was a bit high, kinda sounding like a mix between a girl and a Jonas brother haha. I was convinced that it was just some local band from another high school, but as I got closer, I realized I was WAYYYY wrong. They were REALLY hot white guys, well except one of them, from Boston. I headed closer, while Diana and Kristine stayed back, but when I went back to go get them, they were gone. So I went back into the hallway thinking they ditched me as a joke, but when I got there, they were gone. So I quickly went back outside, and saw them walkign towards me asking where'd I go. Turns out we were looking for each other haha. So they wanted to go back inside because it was cold, but I wanted to stay. But I followed them inside :( Thankfully we ran into Rebecca and Andrea mid-hallway who wanted to check out the band. So I went with them and we left Kristine and Diana behind. We just walked up right to the front, and I saw the glorious hotness of the singer upclose. He was jaw dropping cute. When he was singing one song, he looked directly at me and straight into my eyes and smiled. Don't get me wrong I LOVED that he looked right at me while he was singing, but it was so intimidating that I blushed, smiled and looked away. I think lead singers get extra super powers when they have the ability to make every girl swoon over them. It was funny to see the other girls squeal and blush as he looked around. I also found it funny when he directed his attention towards me, so did the other girls sending daggers my way XD. Their music was pretty good live. Usually for some bands, they only sound good on CD than live *cough cough Fall Out Boy cough cough*, but for Westland, they sound awesome live. When the lead singer, Aaron would speak, he had a deep voice, but when he sang it was high haha.
After they played a couple of songs, Andrea and Rebecca went to go buy their CD, from their Merch guy "Ginger Spice" who I mistakenly thought was a girl haha. So when they finished a fast song, the rest of the band headed out towards the merch table, and it was funny to see some girls flocking to where they were going to get a picture/autograph/talk with them. I stayed to watch the lovely singer as he sang a ballad and played the guitar. I couldn't stop smiling, he was that cute. So after all was done, all the girls headed over to the merch table to get to the band. I stayed close behind to the lead singer as he walked, so I rounded the mob of girls and got to him. He was facing the other way trying to sign every album/picture being thrown at him, so I just simply tapped him on the shoulder, he turned and I asked "Can I get a quick picture with you?" to which he replied with a smile "Sure". He put his arm around me, and when I went to put my arm around his waist I accidentally grazed his butt (which by the way was very firm :P) Andrea has the picture on her camera, but she hasn't uploaded any of them yet so I'll have to wait. But I look crappy in it, his cuteness made me so ugly haha. When I took Andrea's picture with him, my hand couldn't stop shaking. Something that happens when I'm around really hot people haha. Sadly the bell already rang, so I had to leave Aaron and the rest of the band behind. Suprisingly I made it to class on time.

So let me tell you my impressions of the band when first seeing them:

Aaron (vocals)- OH EM GEEE, he's so HOT! I love his piercings and tattoo! When I was standing next to him, I just wanted to put my lips on his lip tattoo. He looked like a mix between Pete Wentz, Brendon Urie and Pierre Bouvier

Jon (guitar)-He looks really good in that brown leather jacket. He kinda looked like the guitar guy in All American Rejects. Pretty cute.
Carlo (drums)- Blonde drummer boy. He was cute, but kinda feminine looking haha.

Ryan (guitar)-He wore lots of eye liner. Reminded me VERY much of David Desrosiers from Simple Plan. He was pretty good looking, but not the kind I'd go for.

Jeff ( bass)- He was teddy bear cute. He was chubby, but not ugly ugly. Kinda reminded me of Patrick Stump.

So when I got home, I immediately went into stalker mode, added them on Facebook and Myspace and of course commented. And whaddya know, after a few minutes of commenting they replied back :D I like how they take the time to respond back to everyone and try to talk to everyone. Today I noticed that in their myspace picture, they were all wearing Role Model Clothing. So I commented about that asking if they were big fans of the clothing line or Simple Plan. One of the band members replied that the bassist, Jeff knows the guys in Simple Plan really well, so they sent em free clothing. I was like NO WAY. Westland has just been added to my favorite bands list, seeing as they have a connection with Simple Plan.

So again, I went on their twitter, youtube page and other stuff. I found out that if you offer them to stay at your house, they will take you up on the offer because they're low on cash, so they need a place to crash. If I knew about them before and knew that they were coming to PHHS, I would've totally offered them to stay at my house. I do hope they come back soon. Maybe they'll hit it big one day, and I can have the pleasure of saying that I saw them when they were frist starting out and that I touched Aaron's ass :P

I'm really happy that our school is contributing to diversity by bringing in hot white guys to our school. First it was the Xbox event, then the band, and hopefully next, it will be hot white guys from Britain or Australia.

When Andrea uploads the pictures I will post em up.
Check out Westland!