Wednesday, June 24, 2009

What Time Is It?!

Yes, finally summer is here. I know I'm kinda late posting, but eh. This summer has been pretty good so far. No AP homework to worry about, no school, don't have to study for anything (well kinda.) S'all goood. I don't have much planned this summer though. Not really going on vacation anywhere either except maybe to Reno to fill my lungs with secondhand smoke for the weekend. I get to sleep a lot now. In fact that's all I do haha. I'm awake for a few hours in the day then I go back to sleep, but then I'm fully awake at night time. I guess everyone turns nocturnal in the summer eh? So I guess I'll just list some events that happened so far.

Summer Happenings
Girl hang out day - It was awesome. Watched Pushing Daisies, pigged out on pizza, chips and salsa. Filmed a new youtube video "True Life: Drivers Edd" go check it out on my YouTube page.
Julie's BBQ - Pretty awesome. It was nice to reunite the Purple Club again. It was nice to meet new people too. Rockband and other games were fun. The only non-fun part about it was I got a headache booo. Oh yea, food was good too.
SAT Prep - My cousin Alerie was testing her curriculum on me and alaine because she got a job teaching at Elite for SAT prep. It was too much for my brain to handle on a sunday, but with my cousins it's pretty fun haha. It inspired us for a new YouTube video which I hope we'll start on soon.
Movies - So I've watched 3 movies so far. They were all pretty good. I'll make a list to the right of this blog about the summer movies I've watched.

I hope I have more to fill out my summer with. Haven't had a cousin sleep over yet, but I really do hope it's soon. I've actually been excercising and changing the way I eat. I excercise almost every night, following this excercise book that was in Seventeen Magazine. Wednesdays-Fridays I walk in the park with my dad and sister. Saturdays I hope to go to the gym with my dad and my siblings. As for the eating part, I don't snack in between meals anymore. I cut down the portions of my rice (which is really hard for me to do haha). I haven't weighed myself yet, but I'm hoping I lost weight. If I GAINED weight, that'd really suck. I wish I had a scale at my house. Well anyways, blogging is starting to bore me right now, so I'm going to find something else to do now. Later days.