Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day

So today was Fathers day. It was a pretty relaxed day. I woke up early around 7 or so and baked my dad brownies. (Which are delicious by the way). Then went to eat at Black Angus. I ate so much, I think I became a cow. After went home to rest for a while, then went to Great Mall for my sisters piano lessons. Saw a bunch of familiar faces. I also finally bought my crochet hat! Er, well my dad did. I'm completely broke. Right after the mall, my mom and two siblings headed over to my grandmas house for a little party. My dad never goes to any family parties. He's very anitsocial. After all was done, we came back home and I had to massage my dad's stinky feet.

Well tomorrow marks the first day of summer. No school! But still it feels like a week of summer already passed, even though it's just the weekend. Hopefully summer will get better.

That's all for now. Tune in tomorrow to read my oh so boring day blog :)