Tuesday, February 17, 2009

It's been a while hasn't it?

So as you can probably tell, I haven't been much of a true blogger lately. The reason is, is that I have had zero free time. I absolutely despise school, it's getting too stressful. But January has been so far the most stress filled month. So basically, my January consisted of:
+Week in LA
-TONS of English homework over the break
-SAT's (my score was 1530 and the worst experience, so I'm forced to take it yet again)

I'm just glad that the stress has lessened. But there's still a good amount of stress in my life, believe me. But now I have all the time in the world to blog since it's break. I still have english homework, but I'll officially start it on wednesday since I'll be at my grandma's house till sunday. Yea, my parents are starting the custody thing. It kinda sucks moving from place to place a lot. But I guess I have to get used to it, but I'll be out of here in 2 years I think. So expect a blog entry hopefully everyday, starting this week, since I have nothing better to do, because I'm sick again...I was fully cured last week, but I don't know how I could've gotten sick twice. It's baffling.

So other than school, I've been making YouTube Videos you can view them on my YT site, AllisonMarieChan add me as a friend and be sure to subscribe. After discovering youtube in middle school, it's changed my whole perspective of what I want to become when I grow up. Lately I've been fascinated with media. I want to direct, but there's one HUGE problem. My parents and grandma's think I should just stick with becoming a nurse (which I don't want to be). It really bums me out, knowing that my future job is going to be something I'll hate to come to every single day. I really don't want to see people die, be sick, blood, or any body part for that matter. It's just not something I want to do. I'd rather go to school and have a job I'd love to do for yeas just because I love doing, not because I HAVE to. But ultimately the problem of how you're going to make money comes up. I get where my grandmas and parents are coming from, they want me to make a lot of money. But what if I can be a nurse/director? haha.

So anyways, I think I'm going to go to bed now since it's one in the morning. I've been looking back on my xanga blogs, and it's so cool to see how much I've changed since the 6th grade. I'm sure I'll be looking back on this blogsite (if I still remember it) when I'm in college. So hello future Allison who hopefully got into UCDavis or UCLA. If you haven't you're a big disgrace to past allison. haha Just kidding.

Oh one last advertisement to my nonexistent readers :P
Need Tee Shirts for anything? If so, visit www.insaneink.com and we'll make it happen :)
Contact me:
SN:Spadandex Alli
E-Mail: AllisonMarieChan

Have a legendary day,