Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Not So Sweet Sixteen

My birthday is on March 8. It's coming up pretty soon. This whole month I spent planning and making a list of people to invite. I was getting so excited. Maybe for once I'll look forward to my birthday.

Today that all changed. The document deleted, my hopes detroyed. My parents told me I wasn't going to have a party . It was just like a bomb dropped on my and my happiness was gone. They said it'll be too much going on. They said not to have it anymore because that'll mean more work for them and they're going to get pissed at each other. Then they just kept saying that we should just go to a buffet and have lunch. End of story.

I was just shut down. I've been talking to them about this all month, and all of it shattered. I feel so depressed. There isn't anything to look forward to. This whole week is vacation but I'm going to be doing the same damn thing. Sitting in front of the computer being a complete lazy ass. Going back to school isn't something to look forward to either. There's no point in getting my hopes up anymore. I do that too often.

I feel like a flower wilting. Once bright and up with energy and color, but now slowly dying inside falling apart.

Today wasn't the best day.