Thursday, December 11, 2008

Holiday's are a comin

I love the month of december. Especially this years december. I have so much to do. Well some fun and not fun.

The Fun Stuff
-Buche De Noelle
-Going out with the girls to Santana Row
-My moms birthday hang out day
-Christmas Caroling
-Walking with the dinosaurs show

The Bad stuff:
-Lots of test on the last week before break
-Studying for finals and SAT's
-Freaking AP english homework

I'm gonna try to do all the bad stuff next week so I don't have to worry about it The following break week.

So life's been pretty okay. My parents are still splitting up, but they're okay with each other I guess. I don't mind any of that stuff anymore, it's a thing of the past. New year=New beginnings. So the new stuff that might change:

Home Life:
Parent's Split
Moving out of the house
Maybe moving in with my mom wherever she chooses to live
Not so much on spending.

School Life:
Actually study
Actually paying attention in class
Make an effort to at least get to a gpa of 3.5-4.0

Love Life:
I want a boyfriend! Haha.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Questioning My Beliefs

Something that's been really ticking me off is my dad's all of a sudden holy act. He's telling us we need to go to church, this and that. He's being the worst hypocrite. Way before this year, he wouldn't even go near a church and would never do what he's doing now. I refuse to go to church. Don't get me wrong, I do love God and believe in him. I just find it ridiculous to do unneccassary things. Like confession, why tell it to a secondary person, when you can go straight to the source by praying. Why is it a sin to not go to church every single sunday? I really don't see the point in going to church everyday, when everytime you go, the same stuff is being said, and you already know what's going to be said. I pray every single day, but don't go to church. Does that make me a great sinner? Well according to my dad today, I'm an evil person for not attending church. Why am I evil, when he was the one who ultimately sinned in cheating on my mom! My dad just makes me so mad nowadays, I lost complete respect for him. He comes up with the stupidest stuff. I blame him for everything that has happened lately. I can honestly say, I hate him. He will never regain my respect. Lets hope, next year will be a better one :/

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Neglectful Much?

Sorry, I've been so busy with school and such. I haven't really found the time to blog. But a lot has happened these couple of blogless days. Just to sum it all up I'll make a list:
-Parent drama
-On and off crushes
-Great America

I will talk about one though. Great America. I thought it was pretty fun, but I was kind of disappointed. The Key Club rally totally killed the day. Sitting in the sun for 2 hours is not fun. We could've been riding lots of rides. But sadly, Top Gun ( the only ride I looked forward to riding) was CLOSED! Then Ed Alonzo's show is ONLY for stupid halloween haunt. And I wish I read the flyer they were handing out, we couldve gotten into halloween haunt for 20 dollars if we showed our day pass. But Sherry's too scared -__-. But the day was okay though. We got free drinks everytime we showed our wrist band :) Hello early diabetes haha.

Ah, school is just horrible. I can't keep awake in my classes. I despise school. This year I have the lowest GPA i've ever had. I have 5 B's and one A, thats awful in asian standards haha.

I can't wait for halloween. Andrea is hosting a party just for RAAKS. Lotsa food, movies, games, and trick or treating :) I'm going to be a 1950's Pin Up Sailor girl, except less slutty haha. Thank goodness I thought of just buying the seperate pieces at the mall instead of that poorly put together costume at party city. Mine looks way more authentic, better, and was VERY cheap. I got the stripped shirt for 5 bucks, and the pencil skirt for, can you believe it, 2 dollars! Can't wait :)

Little advertisement:
Need tee shirts for an event your hosting or for your organization ot shirts for just anything?
If you answered yes to one of those, InsaneInk is the one to go to. Please contact me at and your order will be send to my team InMotion. You won't be disappointed :)

And so concludes my blog. Who know's when I'll blog next time? ;)

Saturday, September 13, 2008


Hmm I haven't blogged in a long time. Well, school started in august already. It's a drag. I really don't look forward to school. I doubt anyone does. Most of my teachers are alright, but 3 really tick me off. My physics teacher is a nice guy, but his teaching skill are horrible. It seems like he doesn't know what he's talking about most of the time, and usually the students correct him. I'm one of the many clueless people in that class. The second would be my Insane Ink teacher. He plays favorites, and rants about stupid things. His grading is pretty harsh too. Lastly, my Algebra 2 teacher. He's the worst. The book explains it better than he can, so he's pretty useless.

Well on another note, I've been learning some new songs on the guitar. I find it pretty easy now, knowing the key chords. The songs I've learned and kind of memorized are:
My Alien-Simple Plan
I Can Wait Forever-Simple Plan
Crazy-Simple Plan
Day Dream Believer-The Monkees
Not Your Steppin Stone-The Monkees
I'm A Believer-The Monkees

I've also been creating youtube videos. Which you can find on my Rubberalli Channel.

So I think I'm done blogging for the day. Hopefully I'll be able to update this more often. But I think only my friends read this so hello Julie, Sherry, and Kristine.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Depression. Back so soon?

Lately I've been feeling really down. My dad's making it even worse. He keeps asking me "So when your mom and I split who are you going to live with, me or her?" He keeps saying they're going to get a divorce, and my mom's just like "Mhm sure whatever." My dad keeps ranting about how we're going to be seperated. Every single day he brings it up. It's tearing me to bits and pieces. The sad part is, I feel like I can't confide in anyone. Before I used to confide in this one guy about everything, but he's long gone out of my life. I don't know what to do, I hate feeling depressed. It hurts. They've always been joking about getting a divorce, but I'm not sure if they might for real now. I know I have friends and family out there who care about me, but lately I've felt so lonely. I'm really believing that ever lasting love doesn't exist. My own experience, and now seeing my parents drifting away. It just sucks you know? My parents keep telling me stuff about the other, and I hate being stuck in the middle. I just want things to go back when I was 4. So simple, so happy...I would give anything to go back to that time. I hope this whole divorce thing blows over and they'll just forget about it.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

So? I sew.

I started working on some little outfit accomplices after some boring days passed by. These are what I've made so far. They are all hand sewn due to my sewing machine being a piece of crap :/ If I have one of those big real sewing machines, it would take me so long, and it wouldn't look as sloppy. & Yes some of the stitching is crooked but whatever,

Monday, July 14, 2008

Up Up & Awake

Good Evening. I'm staying up until 2:30am today to drop of my dad at the SF airport. I really have nothing to do at the moment so I decided to blog. Lately I've been noticing how much of a bummer this summer really is. There's basically nothing to do but to read and study, and it's pretty much a downer. I thought this was the summer that would be the best. But guess not. The past week was boring. The highlight was yesterday when Ed Alonzo accepted my friend request on his myspace. & Yes, it is his myspace, I got it off of his official site. He's due to star on America's Next Top Model season 11, the second week of showing. I can't wait to see what he's going to do. I've been obsessed with learning magic tricks. I wish I could go back to PGA and see him again.

Ah, I'm really stressed about this upcoming school year. SAT's, this year is really going to count. I hope I do very well. Right about now, I've come to realize, this blogging thing is putting me back to start on being bored. I wonder how many times I've used "bored" in this blog.

On another note, I read on AOL that Miley Cyrus yet again has some racy pics. They can be found on Perez Hiltons blog.

Oh and today I took some "magic" pictures.

Looks familiar?

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Magical Mayhem

So lately, the world of magic has greatly intruiged me. It all started after I watched Ed Alonzo at Great America perform. His combination of comedy and magic really wowed me. After seeing his performance, I wanted to meet him because he was signing after the show, but my anxious little brother didn't want to wait in line, so we left. I'm kicking myself right now, for missing this chance to meet an actual celebrity. If you didn't recognize his name or picture now, you might remember him as Max the diner owner of The Max on the hit TV show Saved By The Bell. He's going to be at Great America until September 1st. Then he's coming back again to Santa Clara to perform at the Halloween Haunt. Hopefully I will have the opportunity to meet him again. I've been learning simple magic tricks lately. It definetely helps the time pass. So far I've learned 2 coin tricks and 2 card tricks. I've noticed by trying to learn these tricks, my hands are very small. I can't palm coins in my hand due to the lack of fat being able to grip it. And I cannot fully perform the "shapeshifter" trick because the gap between my thumb and index finger is so small.
Other than Ed Alonzo, I am also a big fan of Criss Angel. His stunts and illusions are very over the top amazing, whereas Ed's speciality is in Comedy and he's a pretty good magician. When I went to Las Vegas last winter, I visited the Luxor in hopes of catching a glimpse of Criss. But to my dismay,they didn't start filming the 3rd season until January 3rd, which was after we were heading back home. So I was pretty bummed but just lucky enough to see his production office. I'll be happy to meet either one some day. I also want to visit the Magic Castle, but that's membership only. Oh well, maybe when I'm older right?

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Hm so basically I haven't been blogging everysingle day. But on the plus side, it's because I've been occupied for once. So last saturday, my family & I decided to go swimming. It brought my parents so much closer. The week before they barely acknowledged the others prescence. Then after my family was done swimming I invited some of my friends over to go swimming. It was funny becasue we heard thunder and had doubts about going swimming. But we did anyway. Took some pictures by the pool and stuff. And dranks pink lemonade in ice cream glasses. It was all because Julie wanted to take a picture in the jacuzzi. I caught up on the latests with everyone, and we just sat, ate, watched the monkees, and played wii. When Sherry left. Kristine, Julie & I made a youtube video called The Monkees Spoof. It's pretty cool you should check it out.

Sunday went to Ikea, and started looking around for bedroom ideas. My mom will not permit me to paint my room so we were just looking for some stuff to stick on my wall. At first I wanted my room to be super colorful. But due to not painting the walls, I'm sticking strictly to Black&white. So we bought these 5 little mirrors to stick above my bed. We were about to buy some fabric with flower shilloutes and stickers but I wasn't too sure. My mom wouldnt let me get a rug either -__-. But She said next time we'll buy this really cute book shelf thats black with white flowers and leaves. I can't wait for the finished project.

Aside from dreaming about my dream room, I've been cleaning basically everysingle day. I know I'm such a good girl :). But I think it's because I'm avoiding my English AP homework. I'm currently reading The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell. It's pretty interessting. I haven't even finished chapter one, but I am determined to finish that chapter by tonight.

So I don't know what the rest of my plans are for the summer. Probably going to Great America on July 4th with my aunt. So I must say goodbye and end it here. I should finish the rest of chapter one.

Au revoir.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day

So today was Fathers day. It was a pretty relaxed day. I woke up early around 7 or so and baked my dad brownies. (Which are delicious by the way). Then went to eat at Black Angus. I ate so much, I think I became a cow. After went home to rest for a while, then went to Great Mall for my sisters piano lessons. Saw a bunch of familiar faces. I also finally bought my crochet hat! Er, well my dad did. I'm completely broke. Right after the mall, my mom and two siblings headed over to my grandmas house for a little party. My dad never goes to any family parties. He's very anitsocial. After all was done, we came back home and I had to massage my dad's stinky feet.

Well tomorrow marks the first day of summer. No school! But still it feels like a week of summer already passed, even though it's just the weekend. Hopefully summer will get better.

That's all for now. Tune in tomorrow to read my oh so boring day blog :)

Friday, June 13, 2008

What You've Missed

Okay, so I lied. I didn't exactly keep this site up to date. I apologize. I haven't had much free time on my hands. But no that school is over, I have all the time to post. So basically on May 21st I think, I broke up with my boyfriend of 8 months. I thought that it would take me awhile to get over him but it actually just ended up being 3 days of crying over him, one day of being angry, and the next thing I knew, I was over him. So I basically went through the stages of a break up.

1. Sulk, Cry, Confide in everyone.

2. get mad and angry, get rid of all the stuff that reminds you of him.

3. Simmer down and think about how you're better off without him

4. Hang out and always be around your friends.

Simple easy steps. Michael wasn't a bad guy, he was okay. It's just he didn't have feelings anymore. I completely understand that love doesn't last. My parents aren't proving a good example of that either. They say they always hate each other and are only staying together for the kids. But whatever, I could care less about love right now.

On another note, I have a new "obsession" with the 1960's TV show & Band: The Monkees. I used to watch these guys ever since I was little. Of course I wasn't born around that era, but my parents used to play re-runs for me. I love the corny situations, the jokes, the "romance", and 3 attractive guys running around doing crazy antics. Yes there are 4: Peter Tork, Mike Nesmith, Mickey Dolenz, & Davy Jones. But again I said only 3 are attractive. Meaning Davy isn't one of them. I love their songs and the melodies of all of them. I have successfully learned how to play "I'm A Believer" on the guitar. If you haven't had a chance to watch the monkees, you should search it up on YouTube. I would've suggested that you check them out on Comcast OnDemand, but they recently took it out. Also from watching this series, I've fell in love with their style! I am making an effort to change my wardrobe into the 1960's.
I should probably stop babbling on. I'm getting tired. It's summer but I'm already bored.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

What a Disgrace!

I'm sorry for not checking in as often. Life has been very busy. So I think where I left off was my birthday party. It went swell. Pictures can be found on my myspace which is:

This week is spring break but it's almost over. I went to the beach, hung out with friends and finally got to see my boyfriend after almost 2 weeks. one week he's been out because he's been terribly sick, and then 4 days he was in Vegas with Patrick.

I really don't want to go back to school. I'm not ready to deal with all of the stress again. I've done nothing school related this break, and probably when school kicks in again, I will be totally dumbfounded.

In other news today I watched the Kids Choice Awards. Each year the awards show gets worse. I was very upset with some of the winners and some performances. I can't believe that Fall Out Boy, Linkin Park, and Boys Like Girls got beaten by a stupid boy band, Jonas Brothers. Then Alvin and the Chipmunks beat movies such as Pirate Of The Caribbean, Transformers! It's all very surprising. I also think the voting is rigged because they usually just give to the award to the celebrity who actually shows up to the awards. Although I am glad Johnny Depp won for Best Movie Actor, I was upset because he wasn't there. They never do via satalite for any celebrities!The best KCA was in 2005. Simple Plan performed, and Johnny Depp was there and he got slimed. Except in 2005 I really didn't know who Johnny Depp was, but I fell in love with Simple Plan after their performance because of the lyrics to "Shut Up"

Well my grandma is telling to to go to sleep, so it shall end here.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Shots and Party

So today I got my physical. I have great hearing and I'm healthy. But I'm sooo blind. The doctor said I actually grew too! And I am also very flexible. The menigicocal shot really hurt and is still hurting. Getting my blood drawn wasn't as horrific as last time. Last time this old lady couldn't locate my vein and she kept poking me drawing out multiple bottles of blood.Today, the lady was able to do it in 5 seconds with hardly any pain.

About the "Not So Sweet Sixteen" post, disregard that :). Turns out I am going to have a party afterall. So I'm pretty happy. The only thing I'm not looking forward to, is school. Break is almost over and it's time to go back to school. Well hopefully this weekend will be a good one.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

New Hair

So today I got my hair done. A little trim and some red highlights. They didn't have hot pink so i settled for red. The color doesnt really scream "look at me!" But it is noticeable.

Here's a picture:

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

New Hair

So tomorrow I'm getting my hair done. I'm just getting a little trim and have it highlighted. But I'm debating whether I should highlight it Hot Pink all over, or just get Hot Pink Tips?

The thing with Hot Pink tips is, is that it looks cool, but after a lot of trims, the color gets chopped off. But It looks so cool.

There really isn't a problem with hot pink highlights all over. But it's not as cool as the tips :P

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Not So Sweet Sixteen

My birthday is on March 8. It's coming up pretty soon. This whole month I spent planning and making a list of people to invite. I was getting so excited. Maybe for once I'll look forward to my birthday.

Today that all changed. The document deleted, my hopes detroyed. My parents told me I wasn't going to have a party . It was just like a bomb dropped on my and my happiness was gone. They said it'll be too much going on. They said not to have it anymore because that'll mean more work for them and they're going to get pissed at each other. Then they just kept saying that we should just go to a buffet and have lunch. End of story.

I was just shut down. I've been talking to them about this all month, and all of it shattered. I feel so depressed. There isn't anything to look forward to. This whole week is vacation but I'm going to be doing the same damn thing. Sitting in front of the computer being a complete lazy ass. Going back to school isn't something to look forward to either. There's no point in getting my hopes up anymore. I do that too often.

I feel like a flower wilting. Once bright and up with energy and color, but now slowly dying inside falling apart.

Today wasn't the best day.

I'm new to this.

Im very new to this. I usually just use Blogspot for my English class. But I decided I should start a Blog of my own. Well actually, I have been blogging but it's been on Myspace, and Xanga. and I rarely do blog. So might as well start updating my blogs more often eh? How does Blogspot work anyway?

Oh well, over time, I hope to get the hang of this.