Saturday, November 21, 2009

Westland=Hot White Guys

(Left to Right: Aaron, Ryan, Jeff, Carlo, and Jon)
Yes, it's true. Hot white guys have been broughten to our school once again on friday, November 20, HALLELUJAH! This time in a form of a rock/pop band, called WESTLAND. So here's how it all went down...
After sticking my arm in freeeezing cold ice water in Physio, I waited for Peter and Kevin to walk with me to the Crumb By Crumb meeting. On the way there, I heard LOUD music, I thought someone was playing instruments in a classroom so I ignored it. After the meeting, I heard the music again. So I asked Kristine and Diana where it was coming from, and they said that they announced earlier on the annoucements that a band was going to play in the freshman area. So I suggested we check it out. As we walked closer, the music started getting louder, and I heard a voice that was a bit high, kinda sounding like a mix between a girl and a Jonas brother haha. I was convinced that it was just some local band from another high school, but as I got closer, I realized I was WAYYYY wrong. They were REALLY hot white guys, well except one of them, from Boston. I headed closer, while Diana and Kristine stayed back, but when I went back to go get them, they were gone. So I went back into the hallway thinking they ditched me as a joke, but when I got there, they were gone. So I quickly went back outside, and saw them walkign towards me asking where'd I go. Turns out we were looking for each other haha. So they wanted to go back inside because it was cold, but I wanted to stay. But I followed them inside :( Thankfully we ran into Rebecca and Andrea mid-hallway who wanted to check out the band. So I went with them and we left Kristine and Diana behind. We just walked up right to the front, and I saw the glorious hotness of the singer upclose. He was jaw dropping cute. When he was singing one song, he looked directly at me and straight into my eyes and smiled. Don't get me wrong I LOVED that he looked right at me while he was singing, but it was so intimidating that I blushed, smiled and looked away. I think lead singers get extra super powers when they have the ability to make every girl swoon over them. It was funny to see the other girls squeal and blush as he looked around. I also found it funny when he directed his attention towards me, so did the other girls sending daggers my way XD. Their music was pretty good live. Usually for some bands, they only sound good on CD than live *cough cough Fall Out Boy cough cough*, but for Westland, they sound awesome live. When the lead singer, Aaron would speak, he had a deep voice, but when he sang it was high haha.
After they played a couple of songs, Andrea and Rebecca went to go buy their CD, from their Merch guy "Ginger Spice" who I mistakenly thought was a girl haha. So when they finished a fast song, the rest of the band headed out towards the merch table, and it was funny to see some girls flocking to where they were going to get a picture/autograph/talk with them. I stayed to watch the lovely singer as he sang a ballad and played the guitar. I couldn't stop smiling, he was that cute. So after all was done, all the girls headed over to the merch table to get to the band. I stayed close behind to the lead singer as he walked, so I rounded the mob of girls and got to him. He was facing the other way trying to sign every album/picture being thrown at him, so I just simply tapped him on the shoulder, he turned and I asked "Can I get a quick picture with you?" to which he replied with a smile "Sure". He put his arm around me, and when I went to put my arm around his waist I accidentally grazed his butt (which by the way was very firm :P) Andrea has the picture on her camera, but she hasn't uploaded any of them yet so I'll have to wait. But I look crappy in it, his cuteness made me so ugly haha. When I took Andrea's picture with him, my hand couldn't stop shaking. Something that happens when I'm around really hot people haha. Sadly the bell already rang, so I had to leave Aaron and the rest of the band behind. Suprisingly I made it to class on time.

So let me tell you my impressions of the band when first seeing them:

Aaron (vocals)- OH EM GEEE, he's so HOT! I love his piercings and tattoo! When I was standing next to him, I just wanted to put my lips on his lip tattoo. He looked like a mix between Pete Wentz, Brendon Urie and Pierre Bouvier

Jon (guitar)-He looks really good in that brown leather jacket. He kinda looked like the guitar guy in All American Rejects. Pretty cute.
Carlo (drums)- Blonde drummer boy. He was cute, but kinda feminine looking haha.

Ryan (guitar)-He wore lots of eye liner. Reminded me VERY much of David Desrosiers from Simple Plan. He was pretty good looking, but not the kind I'd go for.

Jeff ( bass)- He was teddy bear cute. He was chubby, but not ugly ugly. Kinda reminded me of Patrick Stump.

So when I got home, I immediately went into stalker mode, added them on Facebook and Myspace and of course commented. And whaddya know, after a few minutes of commenting they replied back :D I like how they take the time to respond back to everyone and try to talk to everyone. Today I noticed that in their myspace picture, they were all wearing Role Model Clothing. So I commented about that asking if they were big fans of the clothing line or Simple Plan. One of the band members replied that the bassist, Jeff knows the guys in Simple Plan really well, so they sent em free clothing. I was like NO WAY. Westland has just been added to my favorite bands list, seeing as they have a connection with Simple Plan.

So again, I went on their twitter, youtube page and other stuff. I found out that if you offer them to stay at your house, they will take you up on the offer because they're low on cash, so they need a place to crash. If I knew about them before and knew that they were coming to PHHS, I would've totally offered them to stay at my house. I do hope they come back soon. Maybe they'll hit it big one day, and I can have the pleasure of saying that I saw them when they were frist starting out and that I touched Aaron's ass :P

I'm really happy that our school is contributing to diversity by bringing in hot white guys to our school. First it was the Xbox event, then the band, and hopefully next, it will be hot white guys from Britain or Australia.

When Andrea uploads the pictures I will post em up.
Check out Westland!

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Yea, so today was a pretty interesting day at school. I think my day started out pretty good, I saw my grade in math and saw that it went up, so kudos to me. Mr. Martin complimented me on my "new look" and said he liked it, which is odd because I usually dress the same, it was probably because my hair was up in a bun. Eh.

After 4th was really interessting. At first, when people were talking about the assembly all I knew was, it was people talking about tobacco and telling people who skate not to smoke. I thought it was going to be pretty lame, but shooot I was wrong. It was pretty cool. I walked outside to the blacktop and there I see tents of Xbox360, with tv's and some of their games to play. I look farther and there was a skateboard ramp. So I rushed over there with Anny to the front of the barracade because you know...want to make sure the hot white guys performing can see me XD Sherry, Diana, and Kristine found me so we all watched. Man oh man were the performers cute..and white XD well except for the black dude, but I do have to admit, he was pretty cute for a black guy :P Gabe Weed (ProBMX rider) did awesome "Flatland" tricks on his bike, it was pretty cool. I cheered for everyone of the guys when they did something cool, but sadly everyone around me was just staring with not a lot of enthusiasm. Austin Coleman (proBMX) Did awesome arial stunts and was really a crowd pleaser as well as Koji Kraft (proBMX). Marc Englrhart was pretty amazing too on skates. It was like he just went with the flow and didn't really need to work to do stunts, it was just awesome. Lastly, there was Elliot Sloan..Oh Elliot, the cutest of the bunch, but wiped out a lot, due to blowing out his knee at Oak Grove 2 days ago. He landed one, but it was nice to see his effort, I still clapped and cheered for him, although he looked pretty bummed.

After they were done, they did trivia, and thats when Sherry pulled me away from my white guys :( But in a way I'm glad she did, because all the performers were sitting under the Xbox tent signing autographs. So I dragged sherry over there and went to the table. It was kind of awkward because I didn't know what to say. So I just went up, and starred at them while they signed stuff, and when the Austin (black guy) looked up, I just said "You guys were awesome" and then a thumbs up. Although I dont think he could hear me because the music was blasting. Then when Elliot and Marc looked up (hot white guys) and smiled at me, my heart melted ahh. Then Austin said something but I couldn't hear, but I think he said "I like your shirt/jacket" one of those. Gah if I actually met a real celebrity I'd be even more frazzled and tongue tied. But ANYWAYS, got their autographs, no pictures though because I didn't bring a camera. Some pictures of today and a blog, can be found at So looking at that site I found myself in one of them. Although I'm tiny in there, it's pretty cool :P I circled myself too :)

So we had to leave my white boys behind while we went to the CBC meeting. But Diana&I went back to the blacktop to see they were cleaning up but the guys were still there. Luckily I caught a glimps of Elliot taking off his shirt :D nice body ;)

Well I should end it here. I need to sleep and dream that I have a white boyfriend. Sigh. LATER

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veterans Day=Awesome Day

So today was pretty good. Morning was kind of a rough start though. Had to wake up around 8 to do chores outside :( But other than that my day was pretty spectacular. After getting ready I headed over to Andrea's house where we waited for the rest of the girls to come. After, we waited outside for Drea's mom while Kristine played some Glee songs while we stood in the middle of the street.

Arrived at Valley Fair & when we were crossing the street some stupid person in a red car almost ran us over. Went into VF to Tiffany&Co and the manager lady was such a bitch to Andrea. It's a good thing her dad cussed them out, and she finally got to exchange the bracelet. I feel so out of place there, because I can't buy anything. Obviously the workers didn't really look at us seriously seeing as we are just a bunch of teens who can't really afford anything in the store, which was true except for Andrea haha.

Left VF then went to Santana Row to PLUTO's! Sherry&Drea walk so fast, it was like they were on a time limit haha. Pluto's is awesome, but they need to cut the tri tip more for easier chewing. After went to Urban Outfitters where I bought a Daisy Duck shirt for 5 bucks! Read some interessting books while waiting for Sherry, such as a JDepp Picture book <3 After that we all went to Borders where Becca got "Wreck This Journal" and some creepy old dude was just sitting in a chair starring at everyone. After that, we went to Anthropology, well Sherry and Andrea did, while Kristine, Diana and I waited outside, and watched Becca wreck her journal.

Headed back to VF, Andrea&Sherry went to Tiffany&Co, Kristine&Diana went off somewhere, and Becca&I got Jamba Juice, and there was this HOT guy in line. He looked like a mix of Ed Westwick and Penn Badgley. AHHH. We all met up and went to Forever21, so crowded, and by this point I was tired haha. Saw Brenna and talked to her for a while, then headed to Hot Topic in hopes that they would finally have the Glee shirt. Shopped for a while, then went back to the front of the store where I passed by one of the workers who said "have a nice day" or something like that because I couldn't really hear him so I said "what" let me do this in script/dialogue style
Guy:Oh, aren't you guys leaving?
Me:oh, nope.
Guy: oh haha okay. (walks away)
So we walk towards the front starring at the Gir Stuff, I turn around and there he is again. oh before I go on let me describe him. He looked like some type of asian, either Filipino or chinese or both, had a lot of piercings, such as snake bites, another pair of lip rings, gages and other ear piercings, but they really looked good on him. He wore a cap that was kind of tilted to the side, and skinny jeans and a blue sweater. I admit he was kind of cute, but he wasn't white HAHA. That was my only problem with him. Okay so after I turned around...
Guy: Hey where's my Jamba Juice?!
Me: Uh, want the rest of mine?
Guy: Buy me that Pink Star one in 5 minutes
Kristine:You mean Pink Starburst?
Guy: yea, whatever it's called, I heard it's really good.
Me:Yea I heard that was on the secret menu, it's supposed to be really sweet
Guy: yea I don't know why its not on the menu, I heard it from a friend
Sherry: Like gummy bear, most of their stuff is unhealthy
Guy:(to me) what are you drinking?
Me; Strawberries Wild
Guy: Ah, so you're going to buy me Jamba Juice right?
Me: I don't have any more money...
Guy: What do you mean? *points at my Urban Outfitter bag* I buy jeans at 60 bucks from there!
Me: Hey I got this on sale! for 5 bucks!
Guy:What? what did you get?
Me: Daisy Duck shirt
(At this point Kristine, Sherry, and Diana walk towards the Twilight section)
Guy: So I'll be expecting that jamba juice in 5 minutes, kay?
Me: I'll think about it.
(Then this little girl asked him a question so I left to head over to Kristine and them)

Sigh...I never did come back with his drink, or even knew his name. At the time I was talking to him, I was oblivious that he was flirting with me. I didn't know until Kristine, Diana, and Sherry told me he was "all over me" lol. I just thought he was being chatty with customers, but his attention was more directed on me. I'm not used to be flirted with especially by people who work at stores because I usually assume theyre older than I am, and only see me as like some little teen. But I guess not. I wonder if he'll still be there when I come back next time. Gah so stupid of me :(

Headed to Toys R Us to buy my bro a toy, while everyone else ran around the store playign with stuff haha. After went to Jessica Mcklintock where Drea and Diana tried on dresses. Diana can pull off anything haha. Headed to Macy's, Me Becca and Krissay, went downstairs to go to the bathroom and I walked out of there with toilet paper on my shoe -__-, went to the dress section, no good dresses so we called the rest of the girls to come down and we sat next to the mannequins and were really still. So when the rest of them passed by, they didnt even notice we were just sitting there, until they went up the escalator, and they tried to go back down ahaha. so funny. & So ended the day.

Sigh, I should sleep now, I have school tomrrow :( booo. Night!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Case of the Monday's

Rawr it's monday. Monday's kinda suck. But having no homework on a Monday is very rare, so I welcome this Monday :) I'm pretty excited for the end of tomorrow, it'll be like a Friday. Plus Sherry's getting inducted to NHS, plus her performance. So proud of her. Plus it's fun to have all of us semi dress up for her special day haha. Then Wednesday will be another fun day, if teachers are nice enough not to give homework. Going to VF and Santana with the girls, I just hope I have money haha. So I just thought I'd blog, because I'm bored. Gossip Girl sucks now. I used to be obsessed with it when it first started out, but now it's like..ehh. HIMYM beats all shows :D I swear they should make it an HOUR! I can't wait for GLEEEEE! It's an episode all about Artie. Man when we go to VF they should have a Glee shirt. I need to get one! Well my eyes are hurting, I should end this here. ...


Saturday, November 7, 2009

Let's go to the mall TODAY

Hmm so today was a pretty chill Saturday. It was very unusual to wake up to sunshine at 9 in the morning. Yea, I actually woke up that early on a Saturday. Went to Jollibee with my sister and Dad. Went to Forever21 & found some awesome mirrored aviator glassed for only 5.80 compared to the crappy ones that broke from Target that were like 10 bucks. Then bought myself a beige scarf to go with my leather jackets. Walked around the mall a bit, and bumped into Kristine & Sherry. Walked around with them for a bit to look for Sherry's NHS Induction outfit. Left when my dad told me it was time to go.

After the mall, we went to Fry's electronics where I played drums on Guitar Hero. I swear, I could learn how to play so many songs on the real drums just by watching it. I could move a tv to where my drums are, have the game just play, while I follow along on the real drums haha. So after a while of free gamage, we went to Walmart to get my feminine needs :P Bought some pads, foundation and lipstick. Went to eat at McDonalds for lunch, and got a My Little Pony toy :P But it was defective because it looked like it had a drawn crooked eyebrow on it. Must be a chola pony I suppose. Went to dollar tree after, got loads of awesome candy :)

Now that brings me back home. I finished my homework right away like the good girl I am :) Took a 2 hour nap, ate dinner and POOF I'm here blogging because I'm so bored. I know I should be working on my personal statement, but thats what tomorrow's for! My cousin's going to help me put the finishing touches. My only hope is, is that she doesn't make me write another draft haha.

I should probably find something else to do, so latres on the manges!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Oh so long ago...

Wow, so I keep lying to myself about blogging more often. I guess because nothing really happens to me that's really interessting. Same old same old let me briefly recap on the things that happened so far.

Halloween was pretty good, not as great as last year. It really didn't feel like it was actually Halloween, and the day went by too quickly :( I had fun hanging out with DRAAKS though. I as Peter Pan, which people mistakenly thought I was Robin Hood at school -__-. I give myself props though, it didn't COMPLETELY fall apart haha.

This class is actually pretty fun now. It's basically like editing your myspace all day. My eyes really start to hurt after starring at the screen for a long time though. I'm really proud of my first web page layout we had to do in that class :) We're working on our personal web pages right now so I can't wait to be done with that too.

Oh my goodness. It was fun skipping class and hanging out with friends while waiting but, it took to damn long. We're all standing in the sun, its hot, and some people weren't cooperating. You could see how pissed off the photographer was at the goofballs in the back. People got kicked out one by one, it was like a game. I really liked our tee shirts though, all props go to Drea :) I really want her to upload those group photos of us, they're cuttteee!

Sheesh, still working on it. I wrote how many drafts, about 3 for my personal statement because my aunt told me too. In a way I'm glad she had me write 3 different ones, because I think I finally got it down, but still working on it. I'm asking my cousin, who's an English major on some tips this sunday, so hopefully that'll be the last bit of advice then I'll be ready to turn that sucker in. For the most part I'm done iwth the App, I just need to pay and put in the personal statement. I really do hope I get in to at least ONE UC. I'd be really devasted to be rejected by all of em :(

My family situation has been okay so far, no really big fights or anything like that between my parents, although they don't talk to each other. I think it's better that way. I'd rather have them not talk to each other at all than constantly fighting with each other. As for my uncle, he's in pretty bad shape :( I really want to be optimistic for him, but knowing he has only 6 months to a year to live, it's really hard. I'm going to make sure to spend a lot of time with him while I still can. I'm glad that my cousin from San Diego is coming here for thanksgiving. It'll surely make my uncle happy to see the whole family like the olden days when everything was right :/ It's sad how easily my family is falling apart.

BOYS? I'm pretty much confused on guys. I kinda like someone, but then after finding something out...I'm not too sure anymore. Then theres this other dude that no way in heck it's going to happen but...argh. I think I should just give up on guys for a while, focus more on school, family and friends....psh..hah, if only. I really wish there would be a bus load of hot white foreign students from europe or australia that transfer over to PHHS. That'd be a dream come true...

I think that's enough blogging right now. I just blogged cus I had nothing better to do, well I do have homework, but one likes to do homework when theyre bored :P Toodle loo!

Friday, September 18, 2009

What a Plain Life I Have...

So there's nothing going on really in my life. It's pretty boring. I get through the week with Glee, watching movies online, & sleeeeping.

School's been pretty boring. There's a lot of people sick lately...I really don't want to get sick D: For clubs, theres A LOT more people joining Key & CBC, but sadly no hot white guys :( It'd be nice to find me a nice guy. There are two guys I kind of have my eye on, but seriously I have no chance with them haha.

So it's the weekend finally. It doesn't feel like a friday today, I feel like I need to go to school tomorrow again. But tomorrow I'm watching Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs with my dad and sibs, it's going to make me hungry while watching it.

Well, my hands hurting right now, so I guess I'll end it here. Toodles!

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Morning: I woke up around 730 am, at some breakfast and told my mom about my dream that I had, about my sister murdering my dog Jack. After, I washed dishes. I was singing while washing, and I was looking at my window. My gaze scanned over to my "Wonderland" area, and my eyes were met with BIG cat eyes starring back at me. It hecka scared me! The cat looked exactly like the cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland except it was gray. After that incident, I got ready to go to the Asian Museum/SF. But before we left I took my bike for a spin and put Jack in my basket. He kept shivering like he was scared. I wouldn't blame him, I wobble when I need to balance on my bike. But I do secure him in by looping his leash numerous times around the basket so it creates some kind of seatbelt. Then after biking for a while, we left to go to the bart station.

Bart: So...I'm not too fond of the bart after hearing crazy things that already happened on it. But we had to go to get to SF. Met my uncle and aunt there, and we boarded. I mean the bart is fun to ride on, but I get scared if a crazy person boards it too. While going through the tunnel I kept reminding my aunt about The Grudge scene where the lady looks out the window of a bus and the Grudge's face appears.

Starbucks: So first stop in SF was Starbucks. I got a kids hot chocolate (which by the ways was not hot) and some coffee cake. My sister got some coffee, which is weird because she's only 12, and she's already a regular coffee drinker. After Starbucks we walked to the museum. Along the way we found the Orpheum theater and BIG posters of my sister's favorite musical she hasn't seen before, "Wicked" so that part really cheered her up.

Asian Museum: The asian museum was BORING! All they had were sculptures and articles of clothing. Nothing really interesting to look at. The only thing interesting to look at were all the hot white guys. All the hot white guys are in SF, why can't they all be in San Jose?!

Lunch: After the museum we wanted some chinese food, so we walked down the street until we found chinese writing, and tadaaa, a chinese restaurant. Ate there and finished everything because we were so darned hungry. I got my fortune from my fortune cookie and it said "Travelling to the south will bring you unexpected happiness" which I interpreted as "DISNEYLAND!" Because Disneyland is in southern california :).

Mall: So after lunch we all walked towards Westfield mall, the mall with all the escalators in a circle leading to the top. I really had the urge to go to the bathroom so I just told my family that I'd meet them at the top, since the signs on the mall said they only had bathrooms on the first floor. So after I went to the bathroom, I passed by some shiney doors and headed up the escalators. It took me freaking 15 minutes just to get up to the 6th floor since there were a lot of people who just stood on the escalator enjoying their ride up. Once I finally got up, my family said they were going to go downstairs, and there was a bathroom on the 6th floor the whole time. Not wanting to go on those darned escalators again, I looked for the elevators. Being in Nordstrom I knew they would have elevators. I spotted it and we went in it. Once the elevator opened, I saw where I had just went to the bathroom, and saw that the shiney doors were actually the elevators, which I could've taken the whole time. My uncle laughed hysterically at me. I'm so stupid -__-

Heading Home: So I was basically pooped, and we went back to the Bart station to wait for the Bart. While waiting I felt tempted to jump down on the tracks then get back up before the bart came, but I knew that'd be a stupid thing to do. So when the Bart did come, I sat in a chair and I dozed off, but I kept waking up to make sure no one was watching me sleep, because I hate it when people do that. If I know people are watching me sleep I can't sleep. So I was getting crankier and crankier, due to my lack of sleep the night before. Finally getting off of the Bart my mom suggested "Okay lets all go ride the bart back to SF!" I got really grumpy when she said that, so I just started walking down the steps to the parking lot without a word. Thankfully she just brought us home. I wouldve seriously just fallen asleep on the Bart and they wouldve left me there.

So in conclusion, I need to make note of where elevators are in any place & I hate taking the Bart.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

I Blog For You Julie.

Herrro. So I'm blogging because Julie wants me to blog more often. Not making any promises but I will try to do it daily.

Nothing really interesting has happend to me personally yet. But Friday I had loads of fun :) Before Friday I thought going to Football games were lame, because I've only been to one with my ex sophomore year and it was really boring. But being with my friends made the football game even awesomer :) I think the next game we all will be going to would be Homecoming.

School's been pretty chill, days go by fast. Kinda awkward running into my ex and his new girlfriend, but hey it doesn't really get to me as much as I thought it would. My classes are pretty good so far, not as boring as last years. Started talking to the people I didn't really talk to in the beginning of High School and wished she did talk to them in the beginning :) I really do hope my senior year is awesome. Last year was hell for me, I hated it haha. I seriously don't feel like a senior. I feel like I still haven't grown up since freshman year. Maybe I'll still feel like a young teen when I'm freaking 60! haha. I'd be like "I don't feel like I'm 60, I still feel like a freshman in high school!"

On guys, I completely give up. I really don't have a chance with anyone haha. I'll just have to wait until college I suppose. I mean I think it's better that I'm not guy crazy this year, so I'll have more time to focus on school, my own enjoyment, and my friends :)

On family, things aren't going real well. My parents barely talk to each other and my dad thinks my mom is brain washing my brother to be against my dad. Which kind of in a way, she is doing that. I just hate it when my parent talk smack about each other and tell it to us kids. I hate it when they do that to my brother especially because he believes everyone and everything they say. They're taking advantages of him. I try to tell him and set him right but he just repeats whatever my parents tell him back to me, and tells my parents what I said, resulting in one of my parents being mad at me. They seriously need to cut this crap out. I'm scared for my siblings when I go to college. I really don't know how greatly this will affect them. It may tear them apart. So basically living arrangements from now on are one week at my moms then one week at my grandma's/dad's. I think it's easier that way so I don't have to keep lugging my crap back and forth between two houses.

I can't actually wait to start going to events for key club! Gives me an excuse everytime for me to go out with my friends to have some sweeet sweeet hanging. I especially can't wait for FRN!!! Cheap tickets to Great America, with friends, free soda, and the rides! The only thing I'm not looking forward to are SAT subject tests, finals, tests in general, college applications...oh my...

So I don't have anything else to talk about so I'm gonna end it here.

Latres on the mange!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Letting Go...

Trying to let go of someone you really care about is really really hard. Yesterday, reality set in. There's no way that my ex and I would ever get back together. He's moved on and might be seeing another girl. It's really hard news for me to take in. It just hurts so much. We've been hanging out a lot during the summer, and I just hoped and wished that we might be back together soon, and things will be just fine. But actually asking him what he felt about me was a real eye opener. I don't want to continue hoping on something that will never be again. I'm just hurting myself even more. I'm not mad at my ex, I'm trying to be happy that he's found someone else, but it's just really hard. I just hate how I set high expectations of how a day's gonna be or the year or whatever, just to have a bigger crash into disappointment. My ex is a great friend, but it's really difficult just to see him as a FRIEND and nothing more. Apart of me still has feelings for him, but apart of me wants to get over it. I told myself throughout the year that no matter what, nothing's gonna happen between the two of us, and we'll never get back together. But the feelings just kicked in all of a sudden, and I started to feel really hopeful. The hard thing is, is trying to be a good friend while he talks about this other girl, honestly I'd rather him not see her, but I can't stop it. I don't want to hate the girl just cus she's going out with my ex, but I feel the need to hate, to get over the situation. Honestly going through this and seeing my parents go through it, I've come to the conclusion that things most likely will not work out in the end between two people who used to be together. It's going to be really tough if my ex and the girl do get together to come to school everyday seeing them holding hands, kissing doing the stuff we used to do. It just makes me feel less special. Everytime I close my eyes all I see is what my ex and I used to do when we were together but then the image of the girl pops into my place. I didnt think I'd be all emo over this situation, but I'm just really hurting. What makes it even harder to get over him, is that there are no other guys in my school that are even remotely cute, and the fact that most of the guys know a secret that I preferred to have them not know. I would've saved myself a bunch of hurt and sadness if I've never gotten myself into this situation. Things woul dbe easier if I've already moved on and found a great guy of my own. But I don't see that happening anytime soon. It's really hard to hate my ex, cus he's a really good friend, which makes getting over him even harder...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

What Time Is It?!

Yes, finally summer is here. I know I'm kinda late posting, but eh. This summer has been pretty good so far. No AP homework to worry about, no school, don't have to study for anything (well kinda.) S'all goood. I don't have much planned this summer though. Not really going on vacation anywhere either except maybe to Reno to fill my lungs with secondhand smoke for the weekend. I get to sleep a lot now. In fact that's all I do haha. I'm awake for a few hours in the day then I go back to sleep, but then I'm fully awake at night time. I guess everyone turns nocturnal in the summer eh? So I guess I'll just list some events that happened so far.

Summer Happenings
Girl hang out day - It was awesome. Watched Pushing Daisies, pigged out on pizza, chips and salsa. Filmed a new youtube video "True Life: Drivers Edd" go check it out on my YouTube page.
Julie's BBQ - Pretty awesome. It was nice to reunite the Purple Club again. It was nice to meet new people too. Rockband and other games were fun. The only non-fun part about it was I got a headache booo. Oh yea, food was good too.
SAT Prep - My cousin Alerie was testing her curriculum on me and alaine because she got a job teaching at Elite for SAT prep. It was too much for my brain to handle on a sunday, but with my cousins it's pretty fun haha. It inspired us for a new YouTube video which I hope we'll start on soon.
Movies - So I've watched 3 movies so far. They were all pretty good. I'll make a list to the right of this blog about the summer movies I've watched.

I hope I have more to fill out my summer with. Haven't had a cousin sleep over yet, but I really do hope it's soon. I've actually been excercising and changing the way I eat. I excercise almost every night, following this excercise book that was in Seventeen Magazine. Wednesdays-Fridays I walk in the park with my dad and sister. Saturdays I hope to go to the gym with my dad and my siblings. As for the eating part, I don't snack in between meals anymore. I cut down the portions of my rice (which is really hard for me to do haha). I haven't weighed myself yet, but I'm hoping I lost weight. If I GAINED weight, that'd really suck. I wish I had a scale at my house. Well anyways, blogging is starting to bore me right now, so I'm going to find something else to do now. Later days.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Horrible Morning

So, basically today, I have had the worst morning ever. I woke up around 5am, went to the bathroom and remembered to check my SAT scores. So I did, and when I opened it, I was extremely disappointed, its like the level of happiness in my body went to like -1239273. I can't believe I scored LOWER than my previous SAT :/ So I guess I'll just have to take it again in freaking october D:

It's as if everything is being blown in everyone's faces. Well, I mean college stuff. This is the point where in a couple of months, we need to start applying. It's times like these where I wish we could stop time for a while to catch up.

So for guy updates, I'm really confused. I keep switching from guy to guy. One day I'll like guy A, then switch over to guy B. Because I'm "hot and I'm cold, it's yes then it's know, guy a's in then he's out, guy b's up and he's down" aha.

Poop, I really want time to slow down for a second. I still need to raise my grade immensely.

So that's basically all I wanted to blog about, not much, but it is something.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Tables Have Turned

So lately, my dad has been acting more like a love sick teenager than an adult lately, and that's a very bad thing. It's especially stressing me out. Here's the deal, my dad has a girlfriend, because he cheated on my mom, but my parents technically aren't divorced yet. So my dad keeps asking me if I care about his happiness, to which I reply yes. Then he tells me he wants to marry her. I tell him it's a big mistake, and he doesn't want to listen to me. Before when I was with my ex, my dad said love doesn't exist, and it never lasts. In a way my dad was right after everything was over between me and my ex. But today he's contradicting himself. He keeps telling me that he loves her. It's making me sick. My dad is going to make the biggest mistake of his life if he decides to marry this dumb lady. Okay I know you might think I'm too harsh in calling that lady dumb when I don't even know her, but here are my reasons:
1. She flirted and got with a man who she already knows has kids, and a wife
2. She has her own damn kids and husband
3. She ruined my life, my mom's and my siblings.
That should be enough reason to call her dumb.

So today my dad had the nerve to call that dumb know, I'm not going to call her a "lady" she doesn't deserve that title, from now on I shall refer to her as a "whore" that suits her character. Continuing...he called the whore while I was in the room. And my dad acting so clingy, he was getting mad about why she isn't at home and why she's out with I'm guessing her husband. I was extremely disgusted with this. My dad needs to snap out of this love trap. Honestly, love makes everyone stupid and ignorant. So while my dad was talking to the whore, he asked me to massage his feet. My reply in an irritated and angry voice: "No not while you're talking to...HER." Then he kicked me and gave me a mean look. So I just stomped out of there, and I could still hear him arguing with the whore. I mean my dad needs to look at this:
1. He wants to marry her, yet he yells at her, just like he did to my mom.
2. He thinks he's in love, but he's just becoming clingy
3. The only reason he wants to marry her is because he said "I won't find anyone else, I need to be with someone"

Ugh. When I try to tell him my opnion on this, he just gets mad and stops talking to me. One day at the mall I really got fed up with him asking about if he should marry the whore. I got really mad so I just said "I don't know, quit asking me, it's your life." Because he keeps asking me if I want him to be happy.
Another issue I realized is that this whole divorce thing is kind of contributing to my low grades. I always thought it would never be based on this, but most of the time during class, I'm usually thinking of how my life would be during the divorce, thinking of why my parents are doing this. It's an emotional distraction.
So I'm ending this here. What I learned from my dad is:
1. Love turns you into an idiot
2. No one likes hearing the truth
3. This divorce is a major distraction for me

Thank goodness for blogs. I just let a whole lot of steam out.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Pink Panther 2 Movie is Racist

So today I watched Pink Panther 2 and I thought it was pretty funny. Steve Martin is an awesome actor. Even though there was one part where it was HECKA racist, it was funny. In one scene Clouseau meets with this other japanese detective and goes "So what is the conclusion my little yellow friend?" Then he gets called into I guess this manner lady's office and says its not right to call asians "little yellow friends" and then Clouseau goes, "Well it's true, but what really hate is their driving, they can't see over the steering wheel." Overall it wa pretty witty, I advise everyone to watch it.

Aside from the movie I had to wake up early today like at 9 haha yea that's early for me during the break. Went to the greatmall to eat mcdonalds. I love their pancakes, it's legendary.Went into the theater and saw JASON SEGEL...well his poster anyways haha. I want them to make a HIMYM movie, that'd be legendary. Then walked around for a bit and watched Pink Panther. Afterwards just went back home to sleep. I finished my english homework finally. And now here I am, and this concludes my short blog

Have a legendary day,

Friday, February 20, 2009


Yea so I didn't get to blog yesterday because I was too tired and I had a headache when I came home. But Julie's house was pretty fun. Met her soon to be boyfriend Kevin and his friend Brandon. They're pretty cool people too. Made prank phone calls, talked, ate ice cream and played card games for truths. It got pretty intense between Julie and Kevin haha. Then I found out some stuff that really made me mad at a certain person, but most likely I'm not going to do anything to him for doing that. Just got to let it go, because it's in the past already, but surely ruined my reputation (if I even had one to begin with). I have the videos on my myspace, so you can go check it out. I dont know what the prank calls got deleted though. It was fun seeing Julie again and meeting her friends. It was also nice to find another HIMYM lover haha.

After my dad picked me up, we went to go eat at Hsing Hsing & Ling Ling's Restaurant (aka Panda Express) Love their food, it's awesome. When I was ordering I told the lady I wanted "gyoza" and she was all like "What? I don't know what you're talking about?" Then I kept repeating myself until my dad shouted across the restaurant, "WRONG LANGUAGE ALLISON!" and I looked at the menu and it said "pot stickers" so yea I felt stupid haha. Then afterwards we went to Seafood City to get some stuff. When we were walking out of the parking lot my dad tripped and he tried to play it off like there was something stuck on his shoe. I couldn't stop cracking up haha. Got some cereal, dibs, milk, the good stuff then headed back home. Uploaded the videos and fell asleep for a while, then woke up abruptly because just remembered ABDC was on, so I rushed downstairs in time. My prediction for the top two is obviously Beat freaks and Quest Crew. Ultimately Beatfreaks is going to take the whole thing. But hopefully the show doesn't do that stupid crap they always do and eliminate one of the temas just because they need to have one team from the west and one from the east or whatever. But Beatfreaks dance to "Hot n Cold" was legendary. Then I spent a couple of hours online and doing my english homework, then went to bed. But had a pretty cool dream.

The Dream:
So I was at school, but it was in China for some odd reason. My friends sherry, kristine, and I were at tutoring. There was some type of performance beng held after school at this chinese temple. At first it was a bunch of filipino people dancing and then The All-American Rejects played a concert. They hung out with me, sherry and kritine afterwards at denny's, and it turned into the music video for their song "Gives You Hell." It was pretty cool, but then I woke up.

This morning:
Again when I woke up this morning I found coinsin my bed. Yesterday when I took a nap, I found a dime in my hand and I didn't know where it came from. Well after waking up I went downstairs to eat Cap'n Crunch (awesome cereal) then watched some youtube. Went back upstairs to start on my english homework and written one page so far. By the looks of it I'm halfway done. Then I took another nap, and here I am ta daaa!

Well this concludes my blog and I hope everyone has a legendary day,

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

What the pho?

So I shall tell you how my boring day went.
Morning:Woke up really early due to my cramps. So sat on the toilet for the longest time. While on the toilet I brought my laptop with me and read my old xanga posts. I was so weird. Still am though. Mom and sibs went to go check where my sister's appointment was going to be at then came home. Took a nap then woke up again, stomach feeling better after taking Midol. Thank goodness for midol. It's my crack.
Lunch:Went to eat Pho at that one place near Goldilocks. I really didn't feel like eating noodles, so I ordered this boiled chicken. It was freaking nasty and tasted like rubber. Too many bones in the chicken it hurt my mouth. Drank a strawberry smoothie with pearls which was probably the best tasting thing I tasted at the restaurant.
Afternoon: took jack for a walk in our court. He enjoyed it, but wanted to go back into the house so soon. Went outside to draw on the driveway with chalk, then my dad came early to pick us up :/ Then we went to my grandmas house and I took a nap when I got here.
Night: Woke up to eat pizza, then watched an episode of HIMYM. Now here I am, bored yet again. I started a little bit on the biography for Rachel Carson, but I got a long way to go.

Gosh there's nothing to do at my grandma's house. Thank goodness I'm going to Julie's house tomrrow. Kind of nervous about meeting her friends though haha.

Well, have a legedary day!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Yea so I wasn't going to blog today, but what the heck, I have nothing better to do. So basically I went to Valley Fair today wth my mom and siblings. On the way there, we were trying to figure out if Lance Armstrong and the rest of the bikers had already passed through. Supposedly they came through our part of town around 11am so we missed it. Oh well. So I looked through the stores for prom dresses. I went to Jessica Mcclintock, and boy are their dresses expensive! So scrapped that store, and headed over to Betsey Johnson. AND WOW, a cardigan over there is $285. No wonder no one goes into that store. Went to macy's and found 3 prom dresses that fit me perfectly. I would show you a picture, but I'm an idiot because I left my memory stick at home, so my camera was useless. But I did take a picture with my phone, but again I'm too stupid to figure out how to upload it onto the computer. So I shall give you descriptions since the pictures of the dresses are not online.
The base color was black with purple flowers all over. It has thin straps, and is kinda like a babydoll dress. It flares out towards the bottom too, and the length is above my knees.

Top part was a zebra pring with pink sash going through the midsection. Bottom half was black and it flared outwards. It's a strapless dress, so the top part kept falling. But overall it was really cute. It slimmed down my lower half of my body.

The whole dress was a zebra print with a big pink bow in the midsection. It had thin straps, and was another baby doll dress.

I have to wait until I can go shopping with my grandma, because she's the lady with the money in her pocket haha. There was this annoying girl in the dressing room bugging her mom. So basically the conversation went like this.
Daughter: OMG this is the perfect dress! I LOVE IT
Mom: You look like a giant cotton candy
Daughter: NO I DONT MOM! I want to get this! I look good in it! Please mom!
Mom: I think we should keep looking around still
Daughter: NO! Whatever else yo buy, I'm returning it! I need this dress mom! YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!!!
Yea so that's basically how it went, just visualize is except with the most whiniest voice you've ever heard of.

Then after the mall, we went to target to buy my pads. Then went home. but this is what I did when I got home:

Yea that's how I'm doing my prom makeup It took me a while to scrub off the eyeliner.
So I think I'll end my blog here.
Have a legendary day!

It's been a while hasn't it?

So as you can probably tell, I haven't been much of a true blogger lately. The reason is, is that I have had zero free time. I absolutely despise school, it's getting too stressful. But January has been so far the most stress filled month. So basically, my January consisted of:
+Week in LA
-TONS of English homework over the break
-SAT's (my score was 1530 and the worst experience, so I'm forced to take it yet again)

I'm just glad that the stress has lessened. But there's still a good amount of stress in my life, believe me. But now I have all the time in the world to blog since it's break. I still have english homework, but I'll officially start it on wednesday since I'll be at my grandma's house till sunday. Yea, my parents are starting the custody thing. It kinda sucks moving from place to place a lot. But I guess I have to get used to it, but I'll be out of here in 2 years I think. So expect a blog entry hopefully everyday, starting this week, since I have nothing better to do, because I'm sick again...I was fully cured last week, but I don't know how I could've gotten sick twice. It's baffling.

So other than school, I've been making YouTube Videos you can view them on my YT site, AllisonMarieChan add me as a friend and be sure to subscribe. After discovering youtube in middle school, it's changed my whole perspective of what I want to become when I grow up. Lately I've been fascinated with media. I want to direct, but there's one HUGE problem. My parents and grandma's think I should just stick with becoming a nurse (which I don't want to be). It really bums me out, knowing that my future job is going to be something I'll hate to come to every single day. I really don't want to see people die, be sick, blood, or any body part for that matter. It's just not something I want to do. I'd rather go to school and have a job I'd love to do for yeas just because I love doing, not because I HAVE to. But ultimately the problem of how you're going to make money comes up. I get where my grandmas and parents are coming from, they want me to make a lot of money. But what if I can be a nurse/director? haha.

So anyways, I think I'm going to go to bed now since it's one in the morning. I've been looking back on my xanga blogs, and it's so cool to see how much I've changed since the 6th grade. I'm sure I'll be looking back on this blogsite (if I still remember it) when I'm in college. So hello future Allison who hopefully got into UCDavis or UCLA. If you haven't you're a big disgrace to past allison. haha Just kidding.

Oh one last advertisement to my nonexistent readers :P
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Contact me:
SN:Spadandex Alli
E-Mail: AllisonMarieChan

Have a legendary day,